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Today you and Harry were going on a date that he planned for the both of you. "So where are we going?" you kept on asking Harry "It's a surprise. I think you'll love it." Harry said while driving to an unknown destination. After driving around for what seems like forever, the two of you finally stopped in front of The Alamo "WE'RE AT THE ALAMO!" you screamed from the top of your lungs "Suprise baby, I know how much you wanted to come and since you really love ghost hunting. We are gonna go ghost hunting inside to see what we can find, see, and hear." Harry said rubbing little circles into your back. The two of you went to the entrance and met up with a tour guidance to show you around and he gave you a booklet of places you could go ghost hunting. While you and Harry were walking around with flashlights in your hands, you started to get cold shivers down your spine "Are you cold sweetie?" Harry asked from behind you "Yeah. A little." you said while rubbing your arm to make it warm. Harry quickly took off his jacket and put it on your body "Is this better?'' Harry asked while rubbing both of your arms with his gentle hands. You nodded your head while you two were about to kiss, but you heard a knocking noise coming from one of the doors "What was that?" you said while looking in the direction of the knocking noise "I don't know. Wanna go check it out?" Harry asked while moving his hand to your waist "Yeah. I'm just sure it's just a mouse." you said while walking towards the door. You and Harry were close together walking towards the room and you turned the doorknob to open the door, once the door opens you close your eyes so nothing could pop out at you "There's nothing in here." Harry whispered in your ear. You opened your eyes and he was right, absolutely nothing but a couple of papers were on a desk with some supplies "Lets go in?" you asked while looking back at Harry "Sure. But if you get scared lets not." Harry said while fixing the back of the jacket. The both of you went in the room and you flashed every picture in the room with light "How long was it since the Alamo was built?" Harry asked while picking up a paper from the floor "I don't remember. But I'm pretty sure a long time ago." you said while dusting off some dust from a book "How many were killed?" Harry asked while looking at the book as well "I think a lot. But one was killed on the floor above us." you said while closing the book. You and Harry went up the stairs to the room that one person was stabbed while getting medical treatment, as you were walking you saw a white shadow walking in front of you and it causes you to jump backwards "What did you see babe?" Harry asked while rubbing your hands "I saw someone walk in front of me. A white shadow." you said while trying to make out what you saw "Was it the person who got stabbed?" Harry asked while pulling you closer to him "I think so. If not then it's probably some men that got killed outside trying to find the person who stabbed the man." you said while placing your head on Harry's chest. You felt a little better and you continued walking forwards and you were looking around to find the white figure "How do you know a lot about the Alamo?" Harry said while holding your hand "When we were studying Texas History we came across the Alamo. And when I was in 4th grade I saw the movie, after that I got really interested into it." you said while looking around. As the two of you started walking a little further into the hallway, you heard a laughter coming from the room that was on your left side "What the hell is in there?" you asked while looking at the door "I'm not sure. Whatever it is, it sounds happy." Harry said while wrapping your waist with his muscled arms, you started to have flashbacks from the movie and behind that door was when the man got stabbed and he died while grunting and sorta laughing "This is it." you said while looking through the window "What do you mean?" Harry asked with a confused expression "This is the room the man was killed." you said looking at him with a half smile. You walked towards it and turned the doorknob to see if it was open. The door opened and you and Harry walked in looking around "This place is so cool." Harry said while looking around trying to find something "I know right. I bet this place is the most haunted place in Texas." you said while looking at a picture of the man. You and Harry were leaving the hallway and then you saw the white figure again, and this time it was walking into the room "Harry I saw it again." you said while walking backwards "Really? Were was it going?" Harry said while helping you so you won't fall "It went into the room we were just in." you said while having your flashlight in the direction of the door. Once you and Harry were in car you were worn out "Thank you so much for bringing me here." you said while laying your head on the back of the seat "No problem baby. It was a day worth spent." Harry said while turning on the A.C. "We should do it again next time." you said closing your eyes "Maybe. Get some rest now baby girl." Harry said kissing the top of your forehead.

I really love the Alamo. This imagine is kinda true but I've never been to the Alamo. I forgot the names of the people that were killed and I remember some of the stuff from the movie and the research I did. If you love the Alamo then I love you and you are my people I wanna hang out with, this imagine is not to promote the Alamo I just love the place so much. The Alamo is found in San Antonio Texas and let me tell you guys something, my aunt who lived there promised me that we would go and go ghost hunting but one of my cousins ended up wanting to go to the mall that had a place that is full of bouncy houses so I couldn't go, and I was really upset. Hope you guys enjoy these imagines that I write and probably I will write more imagines about places that are in Texas or America. Some imagines might end up having a venue that is haunted or that hasn't been talked about for awhile.

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