Chapter 11

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I woke up to the bright light of the Tv shining in my face, followed by Ja'micheal's soft snores. I looked over at the clock on the end table that read 12:17am. I got up and went to the restroom, and decided to take a shower.

I had a lot on my mind and I needed to release some stress. I let the warm water roll down my skin and just relaxed. I looked down at my stomach and sighed. Where did I go wrong? I reminisced on all the times I used to have before I was pregnant, and how much fun I used to have.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about this new blessing to come but it takes a lot of responsibility. I finished my shower and cut the water off. I dried myself off and left the bathroom and got dressed in my room.

I put on an oversized T-shirt that reached my knees, and put on my panties. I walked back to the living room and noticed Ja'micheal was still sleep. I smiled and got my tub of ice cream out of the freezer and sat on the opposite sofa. It was my favorite cookies n' cream.

I channel surfed and finally found something to watch, reruns of Martin and the Wayans brothers were playing so I flipped back and forth from the two channels until I dozed off.

I felt myself being picked up and I immediately panicked. I looked up and just noticed it was Ja'micheal, he was carrying me to the bed. I closed my eyes and positioned myself comfortably in the sheets.

I heard the shower running so I'm assuming he's staying the night. Soon after I felt him get into bed, his arms positioned themselves around my waist and I just felt safe.


My alarm sounded off indicating it was time for me to get ready for school, I was exhausted. I got up and got dressed. Ja'micheal did the same.

I felt like we were a married couple and it made me feel all happy inside. He kissed my lips softly and smacked my ass. "Goodmorning baby". He spoke. I laughed. "Good morning". I sang.

I curled my hair and did my makeup and waited for Ja'micheal. He moved so slow. "Come on Jay, damn"! I yelled.

"Calm yo ass down girl, I'm coming". He yelled back coming down the hall. I laughed and grabbed my keys from the end key holder and tossed them to him.

We locked up and headed to school. We stopped to get something to eat and then headed towards school. We finally arrived and I felt like the center of attention. We held hands down the hall way and kissed when we departed.

I took a seat in my normal seat in the back and waited anxiously for the 1st bell to ring. My happy mood went downhill when I saw Mahogany and some other girl walk in right beside her talking and laughing about some stuff.

I swear she wanted to annoy me because she decided to sit her bald headed ass right behind me. I really didn't want to hear anything g she had to say so I put my headphones in, but kept them low enough for me to hear if she said some disrespectful shit.

"I guess her baby daddy finally coming into place, you know the bitch been workin' at Trixie's, she was my waitress and all, we all know Ja'micheal don't want her ass, because if he did he wouldn't be calling me asking me to fuck". She babbled.

Rage went through my body, but I didn't want to let it get to me, but then again I don't want her to sit behind me a deliberately disrespect me.

"Watch your mouth, and stop talking shit behind me honey". I said to her.

"Excuse me"? She said laughing. "My words were clear, Ian bout to argue with you shut the fuck up and don't say shit else I'm to damn grown and mature to argue with you". I assured her.

She laughed like it was the most funniest thing she'd had ever heard, I ignored how ignorant she was and continued to mind my business.

"Oh yeah, Riyah can you please tell yo thirsty ass baby daddy or boyfriend whatever he is to you to stop asking me for pussy". She announced.

This girl was clearly an embarrassment to her self not me. She was a hoe, and hoes love attention. "Will do". I said.

I could tell she was getting irritated by me giving her a nonchalant attitude and not really giving a fuck about what she had to say, so she was trying her best to get to me.

"Riyah, no bullshit can I show you something, can you tell me what you think"? She asked. I turned around annoyed and she pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of her and Ja'micheal. It was disgusting. Why in earth would I want to see him eating her out? I laughed at her.

She seemed to get angry when I didn't show any remorse. One thing I did notice was that was the exact same thing he had on when he came over yesterday, and this nigga had the audacity to kiss me?

Niggas ain't shit, and the hoes ain't either. "That's nice, I'm glad you can take a picture". I said to her before I turned around.

"Girl, fuck you and yo retarted ass baby". She said. That was it, she crossed the line!

I dint gibe a fuck about a boy but don't bring my unborn child into your insecurities. I raised my hand back and smacked the shit out of her. "Disrespectful bitch". I screamed. She started to stand up but he friend pushed her back.

"Nah, let me go, that hoe slapped me, I'll kill her and her baby". She mocked. This butch had it coming for her. When my baby was to be born she was definitely on my list.

To keep myself from throwing a desk at her face I decided to get my stuff and leave. I couldn't take the bullshit, today was Friday and I refuse to let her spoil my day. I checked myself out and left.

My phone buzzed rapidly, due to a text from Ja'micheal. "What happened"? I closed my phone and locked it and spread out the parking lot, I'm sick of the bullshit. I need to relax, all this drama is not good for my baby.

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