Chapter 1- Black Shadow

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The sun beat mercilessly down upon the citizens of Damascus. Many stayed to the more shady areas of the city but that did very little to cool them. The women, of more upper status of course, carried fans in which to fan themselves, but that merely pushed the hot air around them. The air was very humid, causing beads of sweat to cascade down their faces and backs. The smell from the large crowds of wandering people wasn't exactly pleasant.

The loud shouts of merchants advertising their numerous amounts of items could be heard echoing over the chattering crowds. Stalls were crowded heavily, many people pushing others to get a better look at the merchandise displayed across the tables of the stalls beneath the scaffolding. Men talked gruffly amongst one another and women giggled and dazzled over the jewelry. Greed was not only clear in their eyes, but in the eyes of the merchants themselves. Their eyes shining falsingly of the colors of gold from the gold coins that were waved about.

It was an ordinary mid-afternoon, that is until a shrill shout echoed over even the shouts and calls of the merchants. Many heads turned towards the commotion and mutterings could be heard. It wasn't until several people began to scream and dash about and another shout split the air once again.

"Assassin! Stop!" Shouted a guard.

A group of people were tossed aside as a figure clad in pure black with an eye catching bright blue sash wrapped around the waist of the figure. Guards were in close pursuit of the black clad figure, their swords drawn and held high. Over ten guards pursued the person as they sprinted down a bustling street. People screamed and parted before the group of guards, which grew alarmingly in numbers.

"Stop him!" Shouted a guard once more.

The pursuee snorted at the 'him' Why is it they always think I'm male? thought to herself with annoyance. Young Nasira Ibnat-Toran'Lar sprinted down the bustling street, slipping in and amongst the terrified and confused citizens. She did not rudely and forcefully push and shove aside the people like the guards behind her. She was able to gracefully weave around the citizens, even before they could jump out of the way only to be tossed aside by the guards if they were not quick enough.

Nasira glanced behind her, noticing the numbers of her newfound friends grow form half a dozen to almost twenty. Her eyes fixed ahead once more to fall upon a dozen more making their way towards her. A smirk spread across her lips in amusement, She swiftly moved passed the citizens, stepping sharply to the right. In one graceful move she stepped up onto a barrel and leaped up and grabbed the side of a merchant shop's scaffolding and pulled herself up effortlessly, much to the shock and astonishment of the shopkeeper and citizens below. Nasira allowed herself a quick grin to the enraged guards below. She could hear a specific captain's yelling for others to follow her. She spared little time and climbed up onto the rooftops above.

Once she pulled herself up, Nasira continued her sprint, leaping from rooftop to rooftop with very little effort between leaps and climbs. It wasn't long before several guards managed to climb upon the roofs to join her as she ran. Jumping over several more rooftops she heard the sound of a high pitched whistle and barely dodged the arrow that zipped passed the hood that covered her face. Nasira growled and her eyes narrowed in the direction the arrow came from and caught sight of the archer standing a couple rooftops away. Nasira swiftly turned and sprinted towards the archer. Another arrow was nocked and instantly loosed at her once more. In a flash she unsheathed one of her swords at her side and struck the arrow aside. The archer's eyes widened at her reckless, yet amazing move. He only had enough time to remove another arrow from his quiver before she was upon him. There was a flash of black and blue and her sword slashed through the archer viciously. The archer fell forward, letting loose a cry of agony as he hit the ground face first below.

Nasira glanced quickly behind her, seeing a large group of guards making their way towards her. Without hesitating she stepped forward once more, the front gates now only a short distance away. The edge of the building neared and as she leaped off she caught sight of a white robed man perched upon the building ahead of her. Their eyes met, despite that both their faces were covered by their hoods, she could still feel his gaze upon her. As she landed below, rolling before quickly regaining her posture. Nasira rose her gaze to where she saw the white robed man perched and noticed he was gone. She didn't know who he was by name but she did know what he was.

Numerous shouts forced her back to the reality of her situation. Quickly sheathing her blade she sprinted off towards the main gates once again. There were quite a few guards that stood blocking her exit. This only made her grin and increased her pace. The guard infront made to swing his sword at her running form but instead he swung much too early and unceremoniously tripped and began to fall forwards. Before he could embarrassingly regain himself, Nasira leaped up and using his back stepped up onto him and pushed off, causing him to fall heavily forward face first into the dirt. Nasira soared easily over the remaining awestruck guards below and lightly passed them. She grinned, her blue eyes flashing beneath her hood before she dashed off.

The guard that was flattened into the dirt was helped to his feet, but he shoved his helpers away aggressively. His face was beat red and full of rage. He shoved a finger towards Nasira's fleeing form and shouted, "Do NOT let that filth Assassin escape! Kill him!"

"There's that 'him' again." Nasira muttered under her breath as she ran. Raising a gloved hand to her lips she let forth a loud yet low pitched whistle. A sharp whinny answered and a fiery red bay mare appeared ahead of Nasira. As she neared the mare Nasira gracefully leaped up onto the saddle. The mare's ears flattened then perked forwards as the woman mounted. Nasira clicked to the mare and barely needed to touch the reins before the red mare bolted forward with an incredible amount of speed.

Nasira allowed herself a glance behind their fleeing forms and laughed as the outraged guards were soon left behind. Focusing her gaze ahead of them, she whistled softly, enough for the mare to hear her and she was allowed her full head, her pace quickening. Her hooves pounded the earth as she sped down the dirt path. As soon as Nasira deemed it safe enough, she slowed the mare to an easy trot. She patted her neck affectionately and smiled, "Good work Asimah. Your swift flight lost them as always." Nasira spoke softly to the mare.

The mare replied with a whinny and tossed her head, prancing as she trotted. Asimah was an Arabian purebred. The Arabian was Nasira's favorite breed of horse, bred specially for their speed and endurance. She kept the high strung mare at the easy trot as they made their journey towards their home village of Aldrahn. They would have to make camp for one night but by morning they would arrive.

The Raven's Black Shadow Where stories live. Discover now