Chapter 8 - Reckless Acting

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"Nasira, it's time to get up." A low, soft voice sounded in the woman's ear, her shoulder gently touched.

Nasira lay curled in a tight ball, the sheets wrapped completely around her body. Her eyes fluttered open upon hearing Altaïr's voice. She sleepily rose to a sitting position and let out a long yawn. It took her several moments to realize the sun hadn't even risen yet."Five more minutes?" She muttered and yawned again.

Upon asking she felt two strong hands grip her arms and pull her to her feet, the sheet falling to the floor. She laughed sleepily, "That wasn't nice."

Nasira flicked a gaze behind her to Altaïr's whom had a brow risen and a smile on the corners of his lips. She shook her head and straightened her robes and hair. She slipped the upper half of her robes, as well as her gloves, sword belt, and knife strap.

She turned to see him waiting patiently by the door, his boots already on and held hers out to her. She took them from him and slipped them on, "How long have you been up?"

"Barely ten minutes before you." He answered and opened the door.

Altaïr turned and peeked his head out, glancing back ways before continuing out into the hall. Nasira stepped out and closed the door behind her, following him down the hall. Not a soul walked the grounds as it was at least another hour before anyone rose form their slumbers. Nasira covered her mouth as she yawned sleepily again. Many a times she had risen this early, but it didn't mean she liked to. They made their way silently down the path to the stables. Upon entering they were greeted by several nickers and a few horses poked their heads out. Junaid was within the first stall and Altaïr began to saddle and bridle him. Nasira walked further down, rubbing a few other horse's muzzles as she went. Stopping infront of Asimah's stall, the mare reached out and pushed her muzzle against Nasira's shoulder lightly.

Nasira giggled softly, "Glad to see you're enthusiastic about the journey."

She removed the bridle and slipped it over Asimah's head. Opening the stall door she brought the mare out and began saddling her. Upon placing the saddlebags behind the saddle she made a few quick adjustments before leading her out. Altaïr had just mounted as Nasira walked out into the brisk morning air. She mounted the mare and without a word they clicked to their horses and began forwards at an easy trot.

Their journey to Acre would take approximately five days, providing they would keep a decent pace whether it be a swift walk or steady trot. They would ride throughout the entire day, stopping only to water their horses. They would then make camp during the night when the set had well set. For the most part both were fairly silent, their thoughts upon their mission.

As the day began to turn to evening, the sun not quite setting but the air was cooling. Junaid walked slightly ahead of Asimah and suddenly their heads rose and their ears perked forward. Both Nasira and Altaïr's eyes flicked to the sides beneath their hoods. Both saw the shapes hiding within the bushes and behind the rocks. Altaïr turned his head slightly and both exchanged glances. He nodded ever so slightly and with a tap of the reins the stallion cantered forward and melted into the scenery. Nasira whistled softly to the mare, Asimah coming to a halt. Nasira reached into a satchel at her side and let fall a small package just as the mare came to a halt. Nasira glanced down at the package ad waited only a brief second. Swinging a leg over, she dismounted and reached down to pick up the package. An unnoticed smirk formed on her lips as her eyes fell upon several forms making their way towards her.

"Well well, what have we here?" A particularly gruff, unshaven man stepped into the fading light.

He stepped towards her and the stench of alcohol radiating from the man made her nostrils twitch. The man was accompanied by about eight others, all had the alcohol smell that just stunk period.

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