chapter two

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chapter two || he's a werewolf

Since it was a nice day Belle decided to spend her free period outside on the bleachers

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Since it was a nice day Belle decided to spend her free period outside on the bleachers. She takes a seat in the front row, enabling her to hear Danny and Scott's coversation.

"It's Armani," Danny tells Scott.


"My aftershave," Danny reminds him. "It's Armani.

"Oh," Scott replies awkwardly. "It's nice."

Coach blows his whistle. "McCall! You come out of that goal one more time and you'll be doing suicide runs until you die. It'll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide! Got it?" Coach yells at Scott, causing Belle to stiffle a laugh.

"Yes, Coach," Scott says obediently.

Belle takes her eyes off the field and looks at Sheriff Stilinski as he walks towards Isaac. She stands up in curiousity, which has always been a flaw of hers. She crosses her arm and walks closer to the scene.

"His father's dead, they think he was murdered." She hears Scott tell Stiles.

"Are they saying he's a suspect?" Stiles asks Scott.

Scott shrugs. "Not sure, why?"

"Because they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours," Stiles tells Scott as Belle cocks her head in confusion, not knowing where their conversation was going.

She knew it was wrong to be eavesdropping but she couldn't help it, she was just so curious. Her father always told her that she got it from her mom, he said she was the exact same way and hated not knowing things.

"Like overnight?" Scott asks Stiles.

Stiles nods. "During a full moon."

Scott eyes widen in realization. "How good are these holding cells at holding people?" Scott asks warily.

Stiles raises his eyebrows. "People? Good. Werewolves? Probably not that good," Stiles informs Scott.

Belle stiffles a gasp, now putting the pieces together. Scott was a werewolf and now Isaac was one too.

"Stiles, remember when I said I don't have the urge to maim and kill?"

"Yeah," Stiles nods.

"Well he does," Scott replies, worry evident in his tone.

Belle picked up her stuff and dialled her dad's number. She knew what she had to do.

what in the world is belle up to?

anywhoo feel free to

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