chapter nine

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chapter nine || flashback pt. 1

A 4 year old girl stood in the middle of a field filled with flowers

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A 4 year old girl stood in the middle of a field filled with flowers. She spun around, her dress twirling with her body.

She bent down and touched a patch of flowers, making them float off the ground and weave themselves into a crown. The little girl giggled as the crown floated to the top of her head.

"She's going to be very powerful one day," the mother smiled as she sat ontop of the picnic blanket.

The father smiled, staring at his beautiful wife. "Just like you."

The mother turned to him smiling, but it soon faded away. "People are going to want her," she said with furrowed eyebrows. "They will do anything to have her."

The father's eyes harden. "And we will protect her. Nobody is going to mess with her on our watch."

The mother smiled at her husband. "How did I get so lucky?" She said as she cupped his face in her hands.

"I ask myself the samething," he replied back, kissing her softly.

"Mommy! Daddy!" The little girl called out for her parents, pointing to a bear that was now coming there way.

The bear growled, her cubs behind her back. The father quickly got up, about to turn and protect his family but his daughter beat him to it.

"No!" He yelled as he watched his daughter walk to the family of bear.

The little toddler walked slowly to them, not an ounce of fear was in her body. She stopped walking as she stood in front of them. She reached her hand out towards the bear, the bear looked at it quietly before putting her paw agains Belle's small hands, now knowing that the humans were not there to harm.

The little girl's mother watched the beautiful scene, a hand over her mouth and tears filled her eyes. She took a look at her husband next to her who was watching in as much amazement as she was, minus the tears of course.

They shared a look, smiles on their faces. They always knew their little girl was special but now as they looked at the scene of their daughter playing with a family of bears, did they truly realize, that she was not only special, but rare.


A five year old Belle walked through the front door coming home from school. She walked to the kitchen where a plate of cookies and a cup of milk was waiting for her, a usual routine her and her mom have.

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