The Elementals

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Chapter 1: Hazel's POV: Beginnings

I walked into my room and instantly felt the cool breeze coming from my window. Chills ran through me, forcing making me grab a jacket out of my drawer. Never would I have ever thought that it would be this chilly in May. Especially since it was the last week of school before summer vacation started.

I picked a cute Florida sweatshirt that I got from a field trip two years ago and threw it over my head. Getting tired of my glasses, I took them off and replaced them with some contacts. I tossed on my one pair of running shoes and pulled my long pin-straight hair back.

Taking two steps at a time, I ran down my stairs and was almost got out the door when my mother called for me.

"Hazel? Could you come here dear?" she said in that soft and delicate voice of hers that matched her looks. She's an angel, most people would say. She and I looked a lot alike but I was more akward towards people and in my looks. If only I could be half as beautiful as my mother, was a constant thought of mine.

I sighed and turned around, heading towards the kitchen where she was. "Sure."

The kitchen was very homey. Not plain but not extravagant. It looked like it had been lived in and the residents didn't care too much about the making a mess. Of course, we never made a mess. Just left a thing or two laying around from time to time.

I took a seat across from her and was about to ask what she had to tell me when I saw a envelope.

"What is it?"

She started to speak but couldn't find the words and stopped. Instead she settled for handing me the envelope.

Now that it was in my hand, it was much clearer to see what it said. It was small and was addressed to me from a some place in North California.

I looked up at her unsure of what this meant and was faced with a worried look that was present on her face.

"What is this?" I asked again.

"Well honestly, Hazel, I’m not so sure. I believe a camp by the name of Camp Live wants you to join them once school's over next week."

"Why? I never asked to go to camp so why…"

"Yes, I know," she interrupted me. "It said that your indivual ability has granted you free access into the camp full of fun and lively activities."

"What does that mean?"

She held out the letter so that I could see it myself. I took it out of her hand and for some reason the first thing that came to mind was the fact that she had opened the letter. I was pretty sure that was againt the law. I learned that in my Government class last year. It also wasn't fair for her to give me the envelope and keep the letter. It was for me after all.

I examined the silky paper and then started to reading.

Dear Hazel Lynn Brookes,

Camp L.I.V.E would like to formally invite you to take place in our annul summer camp on the North Carolina Coast.

From your outstanding test results and further recommendations we have picked you from a plethora of eligible students.

This camp will provide you outdoor and social skills, along with helpful learning and advice. We strive to bring every girl and boy the same opportunity to grow in our environment.

We hope you consider joining us on a roller coaster adventure of friends, fun, and education.

(Attached below is further information and pamphlets on our camp and services.)

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