Camp Live... Really?

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Chapter 3-  Kaylor's POV: Camp Live... Really?

"Mom, I’m home!" I slammed the door and threw my backpack in the nearest chair.

"I’ll be right down Kaylor!" My mom yelled back.

In need of an after school snack, I rummaged through the fridge. I found a key lime pie yogurt, pulled it out, grabbed a spoon, and flopped into a chair. My mom came into the kitchen the second I put the spoon into my mouth and felt the cool yogurt reached my taste buds.

"How was school, hun?" she asked.

"Fine, I guess. You know, the usual," I replied with a shrug. "By the way, Rich and I are going to hit the skate park later tonight. You okay with that?"

"Sure honey. But there's something you should check out first." Mom looked at the fridge’s door and pulled off a piece of paper from the magnet holding it to the door. "I thought this would be perfect for you." She tossed the paper to me and I grabbed it in mid-air.

I stared at the brochure and it's cheesy line: Camp Live the place you want to live in. "Umm, hey mom, what’s this?"

"A summer camp," she cheerfully replied. "I thought you’d like to go to it since you aren’t doing anything this summer."

"I planned to go skating with Rich all weekend. And Michael too once he got back from Montana," I remarked. Did she really think I had no plans? I'm not that lame.

"I’m sorry, honey. I’ve already signed you up." She gave me one of her best I'm-sorry-I-didn't-mean-to smiles and I soften just a bit. However, I was still very pissed off and she was going to hear about it even if she was my mom and I loved her.

"Mom, Camp Live; Really?" I exclaimed. I didn't want to go. It was probably on of those Kiddy camps like the one that my sister went to 2 years ago. "I'm too grown to go to camp and sign around the campfire and do scavenger hunts. I’d rather be here skating."

"It’s actually for kids your age." She lowered her head and looked away from me. Great; now my mom was hurt. Crap, I was loosing it. I could do many things but denying my mom, especially with her puppy eyes was not one of them.

I sight in frustration and resignation. "Alright, mom. I’ll go to your little camp."

"Yay!" She hugged me like she was a little girl getting a puppy for Christmas and kissed my cheek. After she settled down a little, she said, "Your father will be home soon."

"Okay. What about Emily?" Emily was usually one of the first things that I asked mom. Being her older brother and all, I was very protective and wanted to know where she was. Especially since she was so cute but of course that was to be expected. As the youngest of the family with the soft fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, it took someone very special not to admire her cuteness. I, on the other hand, had black hair, brown eyes and tan skin. My mom thinks I get it from her Philipino ancestors and that was probably what it was.

"She’s still at school," she responded. Then, she started to mutter things that she had to do and distractedly left the kitchen.

I finished my yogurt and ran upstairs to my room. I closed the door and began to take off my school clothes. I replaced my khaki pants with jeans and my vest and white button up for a black V-neck tee. I pulled on my sneakers and threw the dress shoes into the closet. It wasn't very good for the shoes but it didn't matter; the closet was full of clothes that would soften the fall. Knowing that if my mom found my clothes thrown in the closet as well, she'd lecture her about being more responsible, I put the boring Catholic clothes on my dirty clothes basket.

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