Chapter Four

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Dawnstrike looked through small slits in her eyes, to the bush that was nearly two fox-lengths away from her stretched out figure. Twitching her tail slightly, she felt a momentary absence of the sweet warmth from the Warm-Rocks, and immediately placed it back on the rough stone. Squinting harder, she saw a small white tail twitch from inside the bush. They were still there.

Emberstar must be really mad at me if he's going to give kits guard duty.

Slowly standing up, Dawnstrike shook out her pelt and fixed the bush with what she hoped was an imposing stare.

"All right," she growled. "I can see you."

There was a moment of scuffling and hisses, than one white tom poked his head bush in-between two branches. A leaf was fixed on his fur, almost as big as he.

"Emberstar told us to watch you," he mewed, voice high and squeaky like a bird's. "Does that mean we can't talk to you either?"

Against all of her earlier thoughts, Dawnstrike tipped her head at the small cat, him reminding her of herself as a kit.

Well, that's a scary thought, she could almost hear Silverpool purring.

"I'm sure it's fine," Dawnstrike purred aloud. She sat gently on the Warm-Rocks and gestured with her tail. "Who are your friends with you?" Raising her voice she mewed," I can hear you two. If you're working on being quiet, it's not working."

The bush shivered as two more kits— a tom and she-cat— slid into the open. The tom was dark grey, and fragile-looking. Almost like...


The small kit focused on the orange and white she-cat. "Dawnstrike!" he yelped, and ran forward to press his nose into her fur. He looked at her with large eyes. "You saw me die."

"How do you know that?" No one but Bramblefang and herself had snuck into the RiverClan camp to see the StarClan-accursed Ivy squash the tiny kit's breath from his chest.

"I saw you and Bramblefang hidden in the bushes." He paused. "It... it was nice that you were watching. 'Cause, I knew that I wasn't going to StarClan alone and unloved."

The large she-cat sighed heavily. "You've said, Ripplekit. Now, we've felt plenty sad, can we move on?"

Stifling a purr, Dawnstrike examined the she-cat. She was a striking blue grey color, with sharp green eyes. She held herself with an air of importance, and from the way the two toms looked at her, it was clear she thought of herself the little leader.

That one is definitely Silverpool. She's got a tongue just as sharp. And that is the real scary thought.

Ripplekit growled at the she-cat for a moment, and that with an explosive leap from his hind legs, launched himself at her to land them sprawling in the dust. All of the fondness Dawnstrike had felt instantly melted away as she watched the three kits play-fighting with each other. Were they going to ever stop?

"So... did Emberstar tell you three little monsters that I couldn't move? Or, are you just supposed to watch me?"

Thankfully, the kits stopped their tussling and looked up at her with large eyes.

"No," Ripplekit mewed sweetly.

"Great." Dawnstrike leapt off the sturdy rocks in one leap of her hind legs, and began trotting towards the border of StarClan. No other grouchy, old, warriors strayed that way, and she had never been there before.

By the time I'm forgotten and fade, I'm going to know every dip and rise, every tree and puddle from StarClan.

"Dawnstrike! Wait for us!"

She didn't slow down her pace, but looked over her shoulder at the kits madly rushing after her paw prints. Maybe if I go fast enough, they'll give up at their little watching-Dawnstrike job and do whatever it is that kits do. Picking up her pace, she sprinted across StarClan's hunting grounds, scattering birds and mice as she charged through the tall grasses.

"That is not StarClan," Dawnstrike meowed, skidding to a stop. Her paws landed at the very edge of the border, nearly straying to the other side. She could clearly see how the other side of the border was a dark, dank forest, stinking of rot and mold. As torn grass fluttered into the air, she saw how a few strands strayed over the border, turning black and gooey. "The Dark Forest," she murmured, peering between the trees curiously. I wonder if Ivy is there. She probably is-- where else would she go?

Suddenly she pricked her ears, eyes narrowing. She could have sworn there was a voice...

A mew, edged with brutality slid through the air like a snake. "Come over, little kits. Come and play! I know so many great games."

Something told Dawnstrike that those "games" involved blood. More specifically, kit's blood.

"Kits!" Dawnstrike yowled, head turning as she searched for the three. "Come here immediately."

A patch of the long grasses trembled, and Ripplekit poked his head out, eyes wide with fear.

"Dawnstrike!" he squeaked, and ran forward to press his nose into her fur. "Thank goodness your here! Lightningkit and Rosekit and me followed you, but then we realized this is where all the warriors say to never, ever go. But we needed to find you, and than there was this real creepy voice..."

"Where are Lightningkit and Rosekit?" Dawnstrike asked, her voice serious. Oh, great StarClan, she thought, if I lost those kits— or somehow killed them, I will never forgive myself.

Ripplekit pointed with his tail. "They're over there— they didn't recognize your voice, but I did!" He stood up straighter, looking very proud of himself.

"Fantastic. Show me, Ripplekit."

Ripplekit bounced forward, and Dawnstrike followed him many fox-lengths away from where they previously were. Still by the border, there was now a giant cloud of mist rising from the ground, and a scent of decay. The kit stopped, letting the large warrior pause, looking around for the kits.

"Are you sure this is where you left them?" Dawnstrike asked.

Ripplekit nodded, then turned towards the border. "Rosekit! Lightningkit!" he cried, and almost jumped over the divide between light and dark— when a paw snatched him forward. He tumbled on the peaty ground, to land next to the two terrified kits.

And the Dark Forest cat who had her paws on them.

Warrior Cats Fanfiction: Whispers of the Shadows Book 3 Shadows Unveiled Where stories live. Discover now