chapter one

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"There are more?!" Connie asked excitedly almost spilling all of her juice." Yeah we found two at the the lab and right at this moment the crystal gems are trying to figure out what there going to do with them." Steven said looking up to the temple." Well can you please please please tell me more about them." Steven told Connie all about the gem laboratory. "That so cool I wish could have been there we could have fought them together."

"Yeah.." Steven drifts as he takes a bite of his sandwich.Steven goes silent thinking about what the gems are talking about up there or more so what there going to do with the newly found gems." Steven? Steven?" Steven looks up at Connie torn from his thoughts." Steven are you ok? You just kinda zoned out."

Steven smiles taking another bite of his sandwich ." Yeah I'm ok." He said give her a unconvincing smile. She stares at him with unsure eyes sipping her juice before she gets a call." Hello?....oh hey mo-... now but-... alright...bye... k mom." She ends the phone call and stands up." Sorry Steven I have to go my mom wants me home."

"Alright see ya Connie." Steven said getting up as well." Bye Steven tell me all about everything I missed on the phone ok." Connie said grabbing her bag." Ok." Steven says before Connie waves making her way down the hill. Steven waves goodbye to her when she reaches the ground. When Connie turns to leave Steven goes into the temple immediately seeing Pearl , Garnet and Amethyst about to warp." Are you guys going on a mission?!" Steven asks excitedly as he runs up to the warp." Can I come?"

"No little one." Garnet says stepping off the warp pad to ruffle his hair." Awww why?" Steven pouts." This is a dangerous mission and we don't want you to get hurt Steven." Garnet said." Pleeease?" Steven whined." No I'm sorry Steven."


"We just don't want a recap of last week steven." Pearls says." Yeah Steven we don't want the weird cluster monsters to get ya again." Amethyst said as Pearl looks over to her giving her a disapproving glare." What?" Amethyst said looking over to pearl." Nothing." Pearl said crossing her arms.

"We'll be back before you know it little one." Garnet said ruffling his hair once again and stepping back on the warp pad.
"Ok.." Steven mumbles as the gems warp off to their mission. Steven goes up to his bed with nothing to do. His eyes suddenly feel droopy and he falls asleep.

The temple shakes as Steven wakes up startled by the tremor." What?" Steven said confused. Steven jumps off his bed and walks down the stairs still a bit wobbly from the tremor." An earthquake?" Steven said as he looked around the temple everything was normal except the fact that rose's door was open." Mom's room." Steven said as he walks over to the door almost completely forgetting about the temple shaking.

Steven sticks his head in the door seeing nothing strange so he walks into the room and the door closes right when he has both feet inside. Steven walks around the room still a little unsure of why the door opened in the first place but he really doesn't pay any mind to it. " So door why did you open?" He asks sitting down on the cloudy floor with his arms folded before a trapdoor opens underneath him making him fall through." Ahhhh." Steven screamed as he fell down the trapdoor.

"Oww." Steven whined as he stood up to see that he was in the basement with all the captured gems." There must have been a door here too I guess." The temple shakes again making Steven fall back down." Was that shake coming from here?" Steven questions as he gazes upon the many gems they've captured until he stop the blue and yellow gem's from last week. The blue one still had a cracked nearly almost going all the way down and the yellow one have small cracks at its sides from almost being crushed. The temple shakes once more making Steven fall popping two bubbles on the process including the blue and yellow gem's and a familiar dark purple one. They both fall on the ground at the same time but the purple one starts to form first. An eerie dark purple glow surrounds the gem showing its form. The glow disappears as the gems finishes forming. The monster resembled a dark house plant with its flower shaped body and vine like legs. Steven started to back away now knowing that the gem he had let out was in fact the slinkier.

Again just as the slinkier is about to attack the blue gem forms and protects him."Why?" Steven questions the blue gem as she looks straight into his eyes as if reading his mind."B-because you are human," the gem crawls to Steven to get closer."But you are also....gem." She said pointing to his stomach Steven looks down at his stomach where his gem is." Wait how do you know that i'm-" Steven stops as the slinker tries to attack again with great speed but fails because the yellow gem crushes it's gem before it gets to them."Azurite!" The yellow gem yells running to us her weapon in her hand."Topaz." The blue gem said weakly as she tries to stand.

"You again."The yellow gem
said hold her weapon with an angry glare on her face."No topaz don't." The blue gem raises a weak arm to protect steven."Why?" Topaz questions stopping in her tracks

"He is good."The gem looks at Steven and then back at the blue gem."He will not hurt us." The yellow gem look at the with unsure and then look at Steven."You will not hurt us correct?" Azurite said looking Steven deeply in the eyes as if she already knew the answer he would give. He turned away from her and looked up at the yellow gem with fear in his eyes. He doesn't move he doesn't even say anything he just sits there."So human," The yellow gem said to get his attention. A pinch of fear in her tone.

"W-will you?" Steven slowly shook his head as the blue gem tries to get up again."No Azurite your gem may crack more." Just as she says that Azurite falls landing on her back where her gem was."Oh no I shouldn't have risked coming out in the open at the lab now your gem is going to break." topaz said biting her nails nervously." No topaz it is alr-"

"This is all my fault because of me you're gem is going to-" Topaz said cutting her off." No topaz it's alright. This is not your fault it is mine. At the lab I chose to protect this human and I chose to do the same here so please calm down so we can think this through." Azurite said cupping topaz's face." Think this through?" Topaz said as she got out of her grip." How are we supposed to think this through your gem is going to shatter and there isn't anyone that can fix it."Steven stood up and he clears his throat to get their attention."I-I can fix you." He said spreading his arms with a large smile on his face.

Topaz look over to him bug-eyed as Azurite smiled sweetly at him." Umm it may be a little weird though." The two gems said nothing as steven licked his hand about to touch azurite." Wha-what are you doing human?" Topaz said stubbornly as she pulled azurite away from him." Don't worry I'm an expert." Steven said with a proud look on his face. The yellow gem still pulled away from him unconvinced." Topaz.." Azurite said looking up to her." But.."

"It is ok I trust him."

"But he's-"

"It is alright." Azurite said convincingly." But he's a human how can he heal you? I think he's lying."

"But we don't have a choice. Like you said there is no one that can fix my gem we have to try, topaz."Azurite said with the same convincing tone .Topaz sees how much she trusts him and gives in letting Steven heal her. He puts his wet hand on her gem and immediately it's like brand new." it- but you're... how?"

"It's a secret." Steven said simply." I think it is a secret that we should not question just yet." Azurite said with a light chuckle." What?" Topaz questioned.

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