Chapter 2

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"YOU LET THEM OUT?!!" Pearl asked Steven her mouth agape as she spoke. "Yeah and I think you would like to meet them." Steven turns around facing the new gems." This is topaz," Steven said pointing to the pale yellow one with the orange skirt that went a little passed her knees and long golden hair with a bang covering her right eye." And this is Azurite."He said pointing to the dark blue one with the long ,white, frilly  dress. Her hair was shorter than topaz's and was a shade of dark purple with a piece that was light blue that covers the right side of her face. "That's nice Steven but why did you let them out but other than that why we're you in the basement?"

"I kind of...fell in." Steven said holding in a smirk." Oh Steven,"pearl said putting her face in her hand as she shook her head." We don't know these gems they could be dangerous."

"Hey we're right here you know?"

"But pearl ,we can't put them back in the bubbles they're gems just like you guys."

"I say let em' stay we kept Peri." Amethyst said taking a seat on the couch putting her arms at the back of her head. "Garnet you agree with me right?" Steven looked over to Garnet with begging eyes that Garnet just couldn't say no too." Garnet?" Pearl said looking over to her. Garnet fixed her shades and looked up.

" Steven's right they are gems," Garnet started placing a hand on Steven's shoulder."They can stay for now."

"But-..Garnet we-." Pearl mumbles in defeat. Steven was right they are gems just like the and deserve a chance. But still something about these gems was off. They all turned to the silent gems that were standing in the corner.

" Umm, Azurite their looking at us."Topaz said to Azurite as they both look up at the gems." So how did you get here on earth?" Steven asked getting a bit closer to the duo." Azurite should we tell them?" Topaz asked attempting to whisper." I do not think that we have a choice." Azurite said before turning to the gems topaz still hiding behind her."I came here from homeworld during the war."

"Why did ya stay then?" Amethyst asked turning to them as azurite stared looking confused."All the other gems fled back to homeworld why did you stay on earth?" Garnet asked as she folded her arms to her chest.

"W-we were stranded here... in a panic when the rebels attacked where we were staying."

"How did you get in the lab then?" Pearl asked as she leaned against the wall folding her arms as well." We-... we were-."

"What exactly were you studying in that lab?" Pearl asked with interrogating eyes not letting the smaller gem answer her first question." We were...we were studying the fusion of gems different types I mean." She said timidly.Everyone stares at them in shock." thought they didn't like mixing gems in homeworld."Steven said."The Diamonds were desperate they..they...were losing they needed more powerful soldiers so they turned to fusion." The blue and yellow gem's seemed a bit shaken from talking about this."I think that's enough for now." said Garnet as she put a hand on azurites shoulder."Steven they're all yours ."Garnet said kissing him on the forehead before walking out of the door."But Garnet-"Pearl said as she followed after her."So..." Steven said as he looked over to the two timid gems."Do you like doughnuts?"

"Dought what?" Topaz asks."Is that a human thing?" Azurite asks.

Here's a terribly short chapter that no one may ever read because it's waaaaaaaaaaaay past the cluster arc thing but imma release it anyway well anyway hope you enjoyed it and I may make one with peri later or so. 

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