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"WHAT THE HELL! DO WE HAVE A GAY COUPLE HERE?!?!??!?!?!?!",said Sanji. "Apparantly, yes Sanji-kun we do have a gay couple in our crew.",Nami said sadly. ''Anyway bring in the sake for our captin.",Zoro said happily. "YA, i want to try some sake!'yelled Luffy, everyone except Zoro sweat droped.'Shesh if it's for the birthday boy I'll do it but as long we're going to be okay",said Robin. "yohohoho, let's drink everyone!',Brooke laughed.Then everyone even Chopper started drinking.

"hick... hick.. o-ohh there is the one piece, hey look everyone it's Sunny!",Luffy drunkly said. "Come on sunny you have a mouth so drink UP!"yelled Franky. Then Nami yelled to everyone,"YOU'RE ALL MY SLAVES S-SO GET ME A a a... what was i gonna say?" "HICK oh my gosh how cand you even see Brofok an ... i mean you dio'nt have eyes...",said Sanji. "Look whooo's talking mustache eyebrows!",yelled Brook."HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOOK YOU ALL HAVE FACES",yelled Chopper and Ussop. "HAHAHA",laughed Robin. Both Luffy and Zoro were making out in a corner.

"HEEY, LUFFY SING FOR US, YOU TOO NAMI-SWAAAAAAN"yelled Sanji.Luffy stopped and nodded and headed to a piano."o-okay ready Nami?' asked Luffy. "Sure",replied Nami.


note: i give all credit to Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie for giving me idea putting this here. By the way Luffy has memories starting while singin and th future of his brother but he thinks its because he's drunk. It will make alot of sense if ou hear the song okay here it goes!


piano starts

Luffy:I was thinking about you,thinking about me,thinking about us,what we gonna be?Open my eyes...

Luffy & Nami:it was only just a dream.

Nami: i travel back,down that road. Will you come back? No one knows i relize...

Luffy& Nami: it's only kust a dream.

Luffy:I was at the top and I was like I'm at the basement, number one spot and now you found your replacement.I swear now that I can't take it,knowing somebody's got my baby.Now you ain't around,baby i can't think,I shoulda put it down. Shoulda got that ring,cause I can still feel it in the air.See your pretty face,run my fingers through your hair.My lover, my life,my baby,my wife.You left me, I'm tied.Cause I know it's just ain't right!

Luffy & Nami: I was thinking about you,thinking about me.Thinking about us, what we gonna be?Open my eyes,it was only just a dream.So I travel back,done that rode,will you come back?No one knows,I reloze it was only just a dream!


Now you guys have to figure out the rest!


"Luffy, my MaN. You SHoulD BE DRunk MoRE OFTEn cause YOUR THE BEST SINGER!", said Zoro."YA!", said everyone else drunkly. "Now come to my room I still one more present from me",said drunk Zoro."O-okay",muttered Luffy. Then they went in Zoro's room. BANG!BANG!"HARDER ZORO,HARDER!" yelled Luffy from the room. "OKAY,MY BITCH",yelled Zoro."AAGH, AAGH, MY GOD BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER", moaned Luffy. The whole crew heard all think they will fegert about all that. "ZoRo, dont hic mess up our captin more than he al ready is hic!"yelled Nami. Everyone laughed except Luffy and Zoro who were still maoning of GREATNESS.

By the time they were finished, everyone fell asleep inmany parts of the ship.Sanji was about fall in the ocean if he had'nt sklept walk out of it. Everyone looked so happy and drunk. Well you can call it being drunkly happy while they were sleeping. there were sake bottles all over the sunny and all tghe caps were open. Not a single drop came out of the bottles because the strawhats had drank it all.There was less than half of sake in the fridge when they all passed out.

The next morning everyone woke up with a hangover."aaaaa... never again i will drink thant much sake again",yelled the whole crew except Luffy and Zoro."And I still remeber what Zoro also gave Luffy for another birthday present",moaned Ussop. 'AGGH'",moaned everyone else. 

"Can you all shut up for at least 5 second!",yelled Chopper and Robin.The Zoro came down with Luffy on his back still asleep. Luffy was naked and wrapped in blankets and Zoro was only in his boxers."That was the best party ever",announced Zoro."ya ya, don't be so loud marimo"moaned Sanji

"oh shut up... mustache eye brows", saud Luffy.Zoro laughed."panties are all over the place",said Brook. Everyone sweat droped. "augh"they all moaned again.


"ok", they all said and yet all of them passed out agian

one piece Luffy's birthday (mini fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now