Chapter Three - Questions

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Before this starts, I say Crona is a guy because Ragnarak is male and in the Manga and anime Crona is a "male", I would create a new pronoun if I could. "It" sounds a little bit rude.
Medusa POV
        How much did she hear? Did she really hear the entirety of our conversation? That girl is more trouble than she is worth. It's alright, Crona can just kill her. He wouldn't mind. Hopefully she doesn't dive into more trouble than she put her self into, hopefully she does...
        I rummage threw the drawers for her file... A... B... C... D... (X)! I found her file, I open it.
Name: Yn Ln
Gender: Female
        "Weapon? Axe.... How sweet, nice to know that I am eliminating on of her creations..." I laughed.
No Ones POV (after school class)
        "Professor!" Yn said. "Can you tell me now? Why you called her a witch?" Yn sat on the desk, and crossed her arms.
        "Fine..." Stein said. "I called her a witch simply because of her obsession with Maka and Soul and I suspect a connection between her and the Demon Sword, Ragnarak."
          Yn blinked. "Why do you think she has a connection with that- th-that thing?"
          "I won't tell you that much," Stein said. "But answer me this, are you going to the upcoming dance?"
           Yn sighed. "No," she said. "I'm not much of a dancer or partier, I prefer to stay alone."
           "That's a shame," Stein said. "Try to get there, at least."
          "Alright, professor," Yn said. She then left the room leaving Stein alone.
Stein's POV
She heard our entire conversation. Medusa wants her dead now. All of the students are going to the dance except her, she will be alone. That will be the perfect time for one of Medusa's henchman to strike. Maybe it will be Ragnarak, maybe it will be another witch. Whatever it may be, she won't survive. Ha, I'd like to see Medusa try.
       I roll into the orange glow of the hallway. I roll down to where Sid and Naigus were standing.
        I start walked out of the school. Where is the exit? Am I lost? Yeah, damnit Daniel. I hear people talking. Who is it? It silently walk over to the noise, I stand around the corner. Hopefully no one picks up my wavelength...
      "We're dealing with a witch, it's not going to be easy." Is that Stein's voice?! Can I not run into one of his conversations for a day? Nope.
      "Trust me Stein, we are aware of that. We've seen plenty of people lose their lives to witches during our time. We'll take all the necessary precautions," Sid's voice? So he is in on this also? Yeah, seems so.  The light is so bright... I should go soon...
      I listened in farther. Once I got enough information I left the area. I was stopped.
      "Where are you going child? You do know that one of the rules states that no student is permitted in the hallway?" Medusa said.
       "Yes, I know. I just-" I said. "I just wanted to get home, it's getting late. The moon is starting to come up," I hesitated to find an answer.
        "Why don't you come to my office?" Medusa asked.
        "Is anything wrong with me?" I asked. "I feel fine..."
          "You might have a concussion," she said. "I should do blood tests, maybe give you medicine to help with any bruising..."
           "Alright," I said. The light was bothering me. "How long will this take?"
            Medusa glared at me. "Come child..." Medusa walked down the hallway taut that lead to her office. There was a suffocating feeling in my chest. I staggered after her.
           "Medusa," I said. "This isn't the way to your office..." I looked around. We weren't even going in the right direction. "Medusa? Where are we going?"
            "You'll see, stop whining child!" Medusa said. "You're a student and I am a doctor. I make the rules!" I followed, fear in my chest.
What will she do? She's a witch right? What if she tears me apart and puts me a potion? Silly, that's a witch stereotype. She won't doing something that obvious... Or will she? Wait! I don't even know if she is a witch yet. Maybe Stein's words are getting to my head... Maybe I am becoming screwed in the head. "NO! I don't want a Screw in my head!" I yell out. Medusa turned to me.
"What...?" She looked shocked and confused. "A screw?"
"I was just thinking out loud. Sorry," I said. Medusa turned and started walking once more. She opened a door, we are on the roof now. "M-medusa? What are we doing here?"
She put her hand in my mouth. "Don't fight me," she pulled her hand out. "I need you to do me a favor. It's very special, I believe you are the only one that can do it..." She said smirking.
"What..." I said in a panic. I wasn't doing any dirty stuff for her. "Why did you stick your hand in my mouth?"
"Let me explain..." She said. "I need you to go into the dungeons and look for something. I need you to find a passage way. The deeper you go madness wavelengths will strengthen, you can't detect souls... I am sure you will feel it. Go down there and make a map of the place, at the end, there will be a door. Don't go threw it..." Medusa explained everything.
"What's in the door? Madness wavelength... What's done there?? Whatever it is I'm not doing it!" I try to run away.
"Sorry," she said sarcastically. My skin started to bubble, almost. Snakes were moving inside of me. "I put tiny snakes in your body. Sorry, but if you resist, tell, or don't do as I say, these snakes will tear you apart. Inside out," she laughed.
"What? You really are a witch!" I yell. "Why would you do this to me? Why do you believe I am the only one here that can do this?" I panic. I have to calm myself down, I don't want her thinking I am trying to rebel against her.
"You are the weakest here," she said. The answer was simple. "If you get seen down there all that will happen is they will forbid you go there ever again.... Simple," Medusa smirked.
"What will happen if I done get the information you desire..? But I try," I asked, hanging my head low in defeat.
"I will kill you," she said. "At that point I will have no use for you. You mean nothing to me," I shutter at those words. "If you do this then I won't kill you and you will can replace Crona," I can replace Crona? Who is Crona? The demon sword? No way...
"Is Crona the demon sword?" I ask. "Who is he?"
"He is my son. And yes, he is the demon sword," she smirked.
"It's nice to know that you would abandon your own flesh and blood for a person who you know nothing about," I said, trying to sound smart.
"I know you more than you think," she said. "Need proof? Here: you were born on (Birthday), your parents names are (Names), you have no siblings, you are an axe, blood type is O(-). See?" She said with a smart ass tone. "I know more about you than you think!"
"Go do your work! You should find paper and a pencil in your locked, I expect this to be done by tomorrow... Report it to me when done," she said. I ran out of her line of sight.
Medusa POV
I peer out over Death City. Finally, a way to map out the undergrounds with out Stein knowing a thing. He is really nosy. I am glad I didn't kill him, though. There would've been a witness. I couldn't risk that. Soon the Kishin will be awakened.
Yn POV (Again XD)
Medusa really wants me to do this... I make my way down to the dungeon entrance. It's late, no one is here. I slowly creak down the stairs. I reach the end. I look both ways. Left or Right. Left! It looks like they turn into a circle.
Soon a meet myself with a staircase that goes down a long away. I don't want to fall so I slowly walk down it. Surely no one can be down here guarding it. I assure myself and start walking faster, making a slight noise each step. I get to bottom. Out of the breath.
This can't be the door Medusa told me about, it's to simple. It's not. I open a door at the end of the stairs. A hallway is behind it. It's dark, you can't see very far. I start to walk down the hallway. I come across a room with poles. I walk down then center, making sure not to get lost. After a few more reach I reach a door. This is the door... My map is complete. I want to know what's in there, I can't. I walk out of the dungeons.

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