Part Two

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[A/N]: I should be studying for Oral Communication or practicing my speech FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION BC MY PROFESSOR HATES US AND IS SPRINGING A TEST AND A SPEECH TUESDAY AND THURSDAY AND OF COURSE I GO FIRST ANYWAY. I changed the cover! :D The new one is made by @UniquelyOrdinary and it's awesome, yes? :D

The rest of the week for the three agents was boring, limited to office work and filing things. By the next Monday, Niall was grumpily sorting through paperwork on his desk when Harry stuck his head into the cubicle, "Have you by chance seen Malik?" 

"He probably drowned in all this shit," Niall grumbled, lifting a handful of papers into the air before dropping them back onto the desk. 

"It comes with the job, Nialler," Harry rolled his eyes, but he turned away from Niall's cubicle and walked back down the narrow aisle, nodding at a few other agents from the office, and looked into Zayn's empty cubicle with a huff. 

But then he could hear someone walking up behind him, and he turned to meet his advancer. Zayn paled as Harry spotted him, grinning sheepishly and offering out a coffee that he carried in a carrier, "I uh... made a coffee run?" 

"Malik," Harry pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"I was literally about to commit my own felony sorting all those papers about different crimes," the dark-haired man groaned. 

"Get your arse in your cubicle and sort more papers," Harry snatched two of the coffees from Zayn's cup carrier, smirking to himself as Zayn hurried into his cubicle with his own coffee. Harry stopped by Niall's cubicle once more to give the blonde lad the warm drink. "Zayn decided to slack off long enough to get us coffees, so here." 

Niall whipped around in his chair, grateful for the distraction as he leaped up and happily took the coffee from Harry, "Can I slack off next?" 

"No," Harry told him, but then his phone was buzzing on his waistband and Niall was nearly throwing his arms in the air gleefully. 

"Let it be Payne, let it be Payne!" Niall crowed before Harry clamped his free hand over the excited man's mouth. 

"Styles," he answered. 

"Mappin & Webb Jewellery, 132 Regent St., Styles, and make it snappy!" Liam rushed out. "There's been a murder this time."

Harry's heart sank, because he honestly hated cases like this, and he waved his hands at Niall to send him to get Zayn, "Did they catch the person?"

"No, but uh..." the man's voice trailed off, and for a moment he was so silent Harry was certain the call had disconnected. 

"Agent Payne, sir?" he asked. 

"There's a camera, Harry," Agent Payne sighed, and Harry's entire form grew stiff. 

"We're on our way..."


Harry rode with Zayn over to the scene instead of driving, pinching the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb as they drove in silence. Zayn was first to speak up as they neared the block with the jewellery store, "Just because there's a camera doesn't mean..." 

"I just didn't think he'd kill anybody, he didn't seem... violent," Harry huffed. "Out of all the robberies he's done not a single person has even had a finger placed on them."

 "Which is why I don't think it's him," Zayn continued. 

"But he is literally the only one who ever leaves videos... no one is cheeky enough to mock me," the lead agent dragged a hand across his face. 

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