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[A/N]: This fic was like my second baby, I think I might have even liked writing it more than I liked writing Uniquely Perfect... I can't believe this is the last chapter. Dedicated SS_Larry98 for the awesome edit she made me, it's in the multimedia.

"How did you get all these new things if you've been on house arrest?" Harry panted, lugging a box down the walkway of the Tomlinson house as Louis trailed behind him with another.

"You bought them for me."

"Damn," Harry nodded, placing it down in the back of his Range Rover before turning and reaching for Louis' box. "You're right."

The smaller man beamed at his boyfriend as he passed him the box, "And now I can get even more things since I'm not trapped in my house!"

"Your mother's house," Harry corrected, stacking the box on the previous one before spinning to seize Louis by the hips so he could drag him closer. "You've got a house with me now."

However, Jay rounded the Range Rover shaking her head, "Uh-uh. You may get to steal him from me Styles but he can still call this his house. He's welcome here anytime he wants."

Louis rolled his eyes, but Harry, always the polite one, nodded instantly, "Right, Jay. Sorry... I'm just pretty excited to have him moving in with me. Thank you for letting him."

"Unfortunately I can't make his decisions," she sighed sadly, and Harry reached to take the two small boxes she had. "My baby boy is an adult..."

"Your 'baby boy' is twenty-five," Louis declared, giving Harry a nonchalant swat on the bum before he headed back towards the house to get more boxes. He expected Harry to follow him and reciprocate with a pinch to Louis' own bum, but the man was too busy trying to win back Jay's approval.

Felicite was standing in the living room when Louis went to grab another box, and he arched a brow at her, "Fizz, whatcha doin?"

"You're leaving again," she sighed. "I'm just trying to wrap my head around it I guess."

"Aw, c'mon," Louis insisted, walking to her side and pulling her into a tight hug. "You're going to UNI in a few months with Lotts, whereas I'll only be like twenty minutes away from here. Isn't it you that's leaving me?"

"You aren't helping, Louis," she sniffled, hugging Louis back just as tight.

"We can Skype!" Louis promised. "We Skyped with Lottie so many times, yeah? Then again I'm pretty sure she was more interested in seeing Harry than me that little-"

Felicte pulled back and giggled a bit, "She is a little obsessed with him... I don't blame her though."

"Not you too!" Louis gasped. "No, go back to being slightly afraid of him he's mine, you're too young for him, nope!"

She laughed, simply hugging Louis tighter, "I will miss you though. These six months weren't enough."

Louis' brow furrowed, and he rested his head on Felicite's, "Do you want me to cry? I'm not going away that far. Okay, you can literally call me at like 3am if you're homesick or if you want to talk about politics-"

"Thanks," she chuckled. "That... I think that might help a little."

"I know. A good talk about the Queen always calms me down."

"You're so weird."

They continued the hug a few moments, but then there was a sudden clatter from the entryway, and Harry's voice exclaimed, "Oh! Should I-"

"No Egghead, it's fine," Louis laughed, and Felicte squeezed him tight one last time before letting him go.

"I'm gonna go try and find the twins. I know they're hiding to get out of moving stuff," Felicite announced, smiling shyly at Harry as she walked past him and into the kitchen so she could head out the backdoor.

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