Part Seventeen

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[A/N]: I don't want to finish this but at the same time I want to finish this xD

Louis tried to stretch when he woke up, only to gasp and topple backwards. He curled up as he hit the ground, making a startled squawk. Luckily the fall hadn't been as bad as he was anticipating.

"Louis?" Harry's voice garbled groggily. "Oh! Oh babe, did you fall off?"

Louis opened his eyes in surprise, coming face to face with the leather of the couch, "You're not Harry."

"Are you talking to my couch?"

Hands gently wrapped around Louis' arm to help him sit up, and his hair was brushed back from his face by large hands as he blinked against the bright light from the window far behind the couch. Harry's face came into view, and Louis smiled softly, "I might have been talking to your couch, yes."


Louis struggled back off of the cold floor, crawling back onto the couch with Harry and wiggling close, "Makes sense why I fell off now. I'm surprised I didn't fall off sooner."

"Well I had tried to fall asleep holding you tightly so you wouldn't," Harry murmured, kissing Louis' nose. "It appears that it didn't work."

Louis froze, slumping weakly in Harry's arms, "Today's Monday."

"Shh," Harry said softly. "We won't talk about that today. We can worry tomorrow."

"You have to work tomorrow," Louis whispered. "I'll be all by myself until nearly 6pm."

"You can still escape," Harry reminded him.

"And then I'll be all by myself for even longer," Louis shook his head. "I'm staying here with you. But I was thinking... will you get in trouble for letting me live with you? After I've been taken in, I mean."

"As long as it's not affecting my work, no one at the bureau, including Agent Payne, has a say in who I'm allowed to date. Currently you're not allowed to live with me, but after you've been cleared by the court you can live with me for as long as you please. Even if you are still doing community service."

"Won't they know that it's your address?" Louis asked in confusion.

"Yes, they'll know," Harry nodded. "Payne can't necessarily fire me though. He can, however, relocate me to a different team where I'd be downgraded from lead agent."

Louis frowned at that, examining Harry in disapproval, "I don't like that, then. You're supposed to be a lead agent, you're lead Agent Styles."

"Yeah, but you're small and cute and I want to keep you here with me forever."

"I'm a grown man, Harry. I'm not small and cute," Louis sighed, but he cuddled further into Harry anyway. "You're a no-nonsense agent and you like cuddling."

"I think it's impossible to dislike cuddling no matter who you are," Harry laughed. "But don't tell anyone I like cuddling. I'll definitely get ribbed for it."

"You're needy."

Harry simply hummed, slipping his hand beneath Louis' t-shirt to stroke at his back, "How are you?"

Louis sighed, kissing Harry's exposed collarbone, "Sad... today is our last full day together."

"Please don't be sad," Harry murmured. "You'll make me sad. I already am sad. So you'll make me sadder."

"Will you make me breakfast?" Louis asked hopefully.

Harry reached up to tug lightly at Louis' hair, kissing his forehead as he chuckled, "So you're using me, I see how it is. Make me feel guilty to get something out of me."

"I'd like to get something in you later on, as well," Louis replied cheekily, and Harry gave a surprised laugh.

"Louis!" he scolded. "It's too early for such talk."

Louis simply snuggled closer with a shrug, "I'm going to top. Either today or tomorrow. It's my last wish before I'm... y'know."

"You're not dying, Lou," Harry replied.

"I could die in prison, the guards wouldn't even care," Louis mumbled. But he didn't actually think he was going to die, he was just normally prone to being a bit dramatic.

Harry, on the other hand, squeezed Louis tightly, "Stop that. Remember what I told you yesterday? Nobody's going to touch you. If they touch you, I'll raise hell."

"How will you know?" Louis asked.

"Well for one, you aren't going to be in prison long enough for me not to know," Harry said determinedly. "Two, I've got this badge, yeah? I just flash it, show them my ID that states I'm lead agent, and I'm in. I could probably fucking walk into your cell and dance with you. That's how much access I would have."

"Could you come in and cuddle with me like this?"

"If only... but you're going to be right back here with me before we can even miss each other," Harry declared. "Now budge up, I'm going to make breakfast. You can stay here if you'd like."

Louis shook his head as he climbed to his feet, "I'll come in the kitchen with you."

Harry started to work, getting out the ingredients for pancakes while Louis sat on the table, his chin resting in his hands and his elbows on the tabletop. While Harry was in the kitchen, his long limbs were nearly clumsy, bumping into things and knocking things over. Yet he'd witnessed Harry at crime scenes before, and at those Harry certainly was not clumsy. He almost had a sort of dominant elegance to him. You knew he was in charge, and it was clear that he was good at what he did. No clumsiness was present at all.

But Louis found it cute, and wanted to watch Harry knock things about for the rest of his life. Harry could feel Louis' gaze on him, and he glanced around with raised eyebrows, "Yes? It's impolite to stare, you know."

"I want to touch," Louis declared, standing up to close the distance between Harry and himself so he could pet over Harry's arms, his back, his bum. He grinned then, lightly squeezing Harry's bottom and making the younger boy squirm away. "Cute butt."

"How old are you?" Harry huffed, but he didn't protest when Louis' hands made grabby motions at him and came to settle on his hips.

"I'm the perfect height to rest my chin on your shoulder," Louis declared. "We were destined to be."

"You're tiny and foldable," Harry replied. "I can curl you into a ball and squeeze you into my chest. Now I love you, but you're in my elbow room and I'm trying to make you pancakes, here."

"With sugar and lemon?" Louis asked hopefully.

"You would be the one who wants lemon," Harry chuckled. "Why not jam? Golden syrup? I don't have any lemons."

Louis sighed dramatically, "Jam will do, I guess."

"Sit your arse down in a chair, Tomlinson," Harry demanded. "Don't make me break out the handcuffs."

Louis sat down, but he continued to try and press Harry's buttons, "You know what would be really kinky? If I used the handcuffs on you."

"No way," Harry denied. "The handcuffs during sex was just my mind drugged up on medication."

Louis stiffened, "You said you were in a good state of mind! You lied!"

"No, no!" Harry protested.

"Dick," Louis rose up from his chair and flounced from the room. Harry sighed, watching Louis as he left, but decided instead of rushing straight to apologise he would make Louis' pancakes. He set to work heating the pan before he sifted the flour, and whisked it together with the eggs, milk, and water before melting a bit of butter in the pan.

He was fairly certain he made way too many pancakes, but he could always save them in the fridge and eat them if he didn't feel like cooking something within the week. And something told him that after Wednesday he wasn't going to feel like doing anything but filling out paperwork to get Louis' trial as fast as he could. He put him and Louis each two pancakes on two plates, but instead of getting out the jam he began digging through his cabinets. He didn't have fresh lemon for Louis, but he was certain that he had lemon juice somewhere.

And much to his excitement, he found it. He sprinkled it over their pancakes, added sugar over the top, and rolled up the pancakes before putting a bit more lemon on them. He grabbed both he and Louis a fork, and then carried the food towards the living room. Harry peeked around the corner of the kitchen however, looking into the front room to find Louis looking rather sad as he picked at the fabric on his pajama pants.

The younger man slipped Louis' pancakes in front of him on the coffee table, setting his own plate down as well, "I'll get you some juice?"

Louis simply looked at the floor, but he didn't decline the juice, so Harry brought back two glasses full of it. Louis icily took the glass from him, "Thanks."

"I promise I didn't lie..." Harry murmured. "I liked sex with you. The handcuffs were just a bit extreme."

"Well I liked them," Louis pouted, but he picked up his fork and cut off a piece of pancake. Harry watched hesitantly as Louis took a bite, but then much to his relief, Louis' face lit up. "Lemon?"

"It's not fresh, but- oomph," Harry was cut off as Louis' mouth connected with his in a joyous kiss.

"Thank you!" Louis grinned as he pulled back, leaving Harry slightly stunned. "These are great! My mum used to make them for me all the time and I've missed them."

"Does that mean I'm forgiven?" Harry asked.

"One condition."

Harry's nose scrunched, something in his gut telling him he more than likely knew what the condition was, "Does this condition involve your cock and my arse?"

"You really could be Sherlock Holmes," Louis declared. "You're very wise."

The younger man groaned, but he didn't give Louis an answer. He simply began eating his breakfast. Louis seemed to think he had won, Harry could tell, because he was humming as he stood with his empty plate and juice cup. He pointed to Harry's nearly empty plate, and Harry lifted the last bite to his mouth so he could give Louis his dishes. Louis practically danced out of the room, and Harry followed him to dry the dishes.


"So..." Harry began conversationally as he dried the wet cup Louis handed him. "What do... you want to do today? I'd say we could cuddle all day but we need to make the most of it."

Louis wiggled his eyebrows, "Do you not remember what we discussed earlier?"

"Other than that!" Harry huffed. "We can't do that for the entirety of today."

"I don't know, I just want to spend time with you. Anything his good," Louis shrugged, handing Harry the last plate as he drained the water in the sink. "What do you want to do?"

Harry scratched the back of his head, setting the drying plate onto the cabinet, "Um... we could... play cards?"

Louis sighed, but turned around and plopped himself down at the kitchen table, "Why the fuck not. Let's do this."

Ten minutes later, after digging for the cards, shuffling, and dealing, the two men found themselves in a very heated card game. Both had cards tucked into their hands, shielding the lower halves of their face as they peered at one another over them. Harry quirked a brow, "...Got any nines?"

"Go fish."

"Liar!" Harry declared, removing his cards. "I've asked for sixes, sevens, eights, surely you have a nine!"

"Why don't you try asking for fours?" Louis huffed.

"Got any fours?" Harry sneered.

"Why yes, yes, I do," Louis moved to hand Harry the card.

"Well I don't!"

Louis laughed, tucking his four back into his hand, "Go fish, Harry."

Harry unhappily plucked a card from the deck, his scowl deepening, "It's a four."

"Got any fours?" Louis squeaked, hiding further behind his cards. Harry tossed down his hand, standing up and striding over to Louis' side of the table. Louis giggled as Harry glared down at him, trying to hand him the four. "I want you to have this. You deserve this four."

Harry removed Louis' cards from the man's hands, placing them on the table before he straddled Louis' lap and pressed their mouths together. Louis grunted in surprise, his arms flying to try and grab a hold on the larger man. Harry was long, and Louis was slightly afraid that he was going to slide off of his lap without him being able to get a grip on the young agent.

Harry pulled back, however, bumping his nose against Louis', "You're a little shit, you know that?"

Louis' hands nonchalantly slipped down to grab Harry's bum, smilingly widely when Harry didn't protest, "Is this card game over?"

"Yes, but we're not having sex," Harry rolled his eyes. "Is that the only reason you like me?"

"Then let's make love!" Louis declared. "And I haven't gotten to top yet, that can't be the only reason I like you."

"What if I told you I wasn't going to let you top?" Harry reached around, moving Louis' hands from his arse to his waist.

Louis made a pouting face, leaning to nuzzle his head into Harry's chest, "That would make me very sad."

The younger man rolled his eyes, wiggling off of Louis' lap, "Let's go watch the telly or something."

Louis frowned as Harry left the room, but he stood and followed. Harry was sprawling out onto the couch when Louis walked into the living room, so Louis tucked himself back up against Harry's chest like they'd done the night before, and Harry wrapped his arms carefully around Louis and wiggled backwards as far as he could to keep Louis from falling off the couch. In the movie they were watching, one of the characters ended up having to go to prison, and Harry almost instantly scrambled to grab the remote from the coffee table, nearly dumping Louis onto the floor in the process.

Louis gave a yelp of surprise, his hand flying around to grab onto Harry's shirt before Harry's arm was securely around his waist once more, "I could have gotten that for you!"

"Sorry," Harry murmured. "I didn't hurt your side, did I?"

"No, you just nearly flung me onto the floor," Louis laughed.

Harry nuzzled into Louis' hair, repeating his apology, "Sorry... I just didn't like that movie anymore. Poor plotline."

Louis turned with difficulty in Harry's arms, "Can we have leftover pancakes for lunch?"

Harry of course agreed, because when he'd last given Louis pancakes it had earned him a very enthusiastic kiss and a crinkly eyed smile. He once again used lemon juice and sugar for Louis' pancake, and Louis kissed the agents cheek as he grabbed his plate.

For the rest of the day the two remained on the couch watching the television, occasionally switching from spooning to Louis laying with his head in Harry's lap each time one of them had to get up to use the bathroom. But eventually, Harry sighed, "I should probably make us something for dinner. Something easy like cheese toasties. If I have to work tomorrow I shouldn't stay up late."

Louis had his head resting on Harry's thigh, but at Harry's words he sat up with an unidentifiable expression, "Oh. Right. Tomorrow is Tuesday."

"Still a whole day..." Harry murmured, although he could feel the growing tension. He'd been fighting it all day, using Louis as a distraction. And he was fairly certain Louis had been using him for the same thing.

"But you're gone for half of it," Louis whispered. "Only two more nights."

"Don't," Harry pleaded. "Don't think about it. Let's just eat dinner, and then... and then... I don't know."

"I just need to lay down for a bit I think," Louis mumbled, but instead of lying in Harry's lap, he turned and curled up the other direction.

Harry's heart sank, and he carefully crawled so that he could lean down and kiss Louis' temple before he got up to make their food. Louis had made his way into the kitchen by the time Harry had pulled out two beers for the both of them, figuring that like the night before they needed something to calm them.

Louis nibbled at his cheese toastie, but he only ate half before he hung his head and stared at the floor.

Harry didn't like seeing Louis upset, liked the sassy Louis that danced around and sang Shakira songs in a surprisingly great voice. Louis hadn't even sat next to him like he usually did, he simply moved the cards that they had never put away and sat across from him. So Harry moved closer, reaching out and touching Louis' hand, "Babe..."

Louis looked up at him sadly, "Why couldn't I have met you some other way? Why did I have to steal and be your enemy before all of this could happen? I've been here for a week and it's undoubtedly been the best week of my life. I don't want to leave here."

And then it was Harry's turn to hang his head, reaching for Louis as he mumbled, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

He gathered the smaller man up in his arms, despite Louis' protests of, "You're going to hurt yourself-"

"I won't," Harry assured. He carried Louis into the bedroom, leaving their plates and glasses on the kitchen table.

Harry fell onto the bed with Louis letting the smaller man drape over the top of him as he brought their lips together in a sorrowful kiss. He stroked at Louis' back, his forehead, his hair, all the while not breaking their connected lips.

"I'll miss this," Louis gasped out against Harry's mouth.

"This doesn't have to end just because we'll be apart for a bit," Harry mumbled back, wrapping his longer legs up and around Louis' waist so that the smaller boy was slotted between them. "Make love to me."

"What?" Louis asked in surprise. "You're sure?"

Harry nodded, "Make love to me. I want to feel you close."

Louis looked taken aback, but then he reconnected their mouths as he slowly began to rub himself against Harry in attempts to get them both hard. And it definitely worked, because both were straining against their pants in mere minutes. Harry helped Louis strip off his clothes, and Louis helped Harry before Louis guided the taller man back against the pillows so he could continue to kiss him, grinding their bare dicks together and eliciting grunts and quiet moans from the both of them.

Harry clung tightly to Louis, wanting him even closer although they were already pressed skin to skin, their tongues brushing together as they kissed with open mouths. It wasn't the most intimate thing they had done, but to Harry it was quickly becoming one of his favorite times with Louis, and they hadn't even gotten to the good part.

Louis eventually had them both painfully hard from grinding and palming, and he sucked Harry for a few moments before Harry decided that Louis was too far away. The older man retrieved the lube that had been kicked to the floor the night before, flicking open the sticky cap and putting a fairly generous amount on his fingers. He figured Harry hadn't had something in him for a while, and while his dick definitely wasn't as big as Harry's, he made up in girth what he lacked in length. And even then he considered himself fairly long.

Before he even used his lubed fingers, he relaxed Harry a bit with his tongue. Louis had a love hate relationship with being rimmed since it felt so fantastically great but made him come much too fast, yet rimming Harry was an entirely different story. Harry's eyes were clenched shut, his jaw tight as he twitched and jerked.

But then Harry gasped out, stretching a hand down for Louis, "Too far away-"

So Louis wiggled slightly up the bed, but slipped his lube covered fingers inside Harry. He started with one so he wouldn't cause the younger man discomfort, moving them slowly and crooking them to brush Harry's prostate. Harry was tight around his digits, but after much crooking and twisting, he was three fingers inside Harry, his arm bent awkwardly down so he could stretch up and kiss Harry.

Harry was as vocal as Louis had ever heard him, but he knew from personal experience that being full could bring out sounds that were completely uncontrollable. The young agent had forgotten how great it felt to have something inside him, and it was ten times better when the something was Louis' fingers. He panted and whined, not even caring that the noises he was making were far from manly. When the fingers stroking inside him suddenly vanished and Louis' lips left his, his eyes flashed open.

Louis placed a hand on his chest before he could say anything, speaking softly, "Give me a second."

"No condom," Harry nodded, letting his head fall back onto the pillows as he reached down to stroked his cock lazily. There was suddenly a cold and slick feeling dripping down the crack of his bum, and Louis' fingers softly brushed over his hole. He gasped out, and the wet sound of Louis slicking himself up filled the room. Louis positioned himself, gently pressing Harry's spread legs up towards his chest.

"Is that okay for your abdomen?" he asked gently.

"Louis," Harry grunted. "Just- fucking-"

Louis leaned forward, slowly pushing into Harry as he gently stroked the agents dick and pressed their lips together softly before nuzzle his nose into Harry's, "I'm not hurting you am I?"

"Jesus," Harry shook his head, his limbs wrapping tightly to Louis.

Louis had to move down slightly, the angle too weird, but he could still kiss Harry's mouth and his neck as he bottomed out and whispered, "You're the world's largest koala."

"Move," Harry pleaded.

Louis nodded, attaching their lips together as he pulled out in the slightest only to push back in, grinding his pubic bone against Harry and making the man arch beneath him as he moaned into Louis' mouth. Louis sucked on Harry's neck, wanting to mark him so it'd be visible on his neck at work. The only two who would know it was Louis were Niall and Zayn, the others would just assume Harry had a girl. But in reality, Harry didn't have a girl. Harry had Louis, and Louis was strangely smug about it as he began to rock a bit harder into Harry.

Harry was moaning into Louis' ear, spurring on the smaller man. The agent had no idea that letting Louis top would be so fantastic. He figured that an arse like Louis' couldn't go to waste, and Louis was small and Harry could entirely fold him in half, but Louis was moving sweetly inside of him, making him feel great, making him feel loved. Needless to say, he wasn't going to protest much anymore if Louis wanted to top after they got out of the mess they were in.

Before long, Louis shifted again to an angle that must have done something right for Harry, because the man's breath hitched in his throat, and he cried out loudly as he tried to rock his hips down to meet Louis'.

"There?" Louis hummed.

"Fuck, shit," Harry garbled, nodding his head. "T-there. Please. Harder. "

Louis complied, nipping Harry's jaw and tonguing back over the mark he'd made on Harry's neck, "I love you."

Harry seemed far gone, simply babbling out curse words, but his large hands scrambled at Louis' back, "I love you, too."

The smaller man slowed down the motion of his hips as he felt himself nearing his orgasm, his balls tightening up. He didn't want to slip over the edge until Harry had come, so he slipped a hand between them to tug at Harry, "M'really close..."

"Oh f-fuck," Harry moaned from between gritted teeth. Louis could feel his thighs trembling where they were wrapped around his waist. "I- I'm gonna come. Just- harder. I'm gonna- oh fuck"

Harry's words turned into a high whine as Louis felt the man's dick twitch in his palm, and then Harry was coming hard all over their chests. Louis sped his hips up once more as Harry clenched tightly around him. Harry's long arms made their way to Louis' bum, slipping the tip of an index finger inside, and it was all too much. Louis cried out, shuddering with muscles spasming as he spilled inside Harry, slumping weakly onto the agent.

"Holy shit, Louis," Harry whispered, stroking at Louis' sweaty back and hair. "That was... your hips don't lie, Shakira."

Louis gave a breathy laugh, burrowing his face into Harry's neck, "It was alright? I didn't hurt you or anything?"

"No," Harry assured. "I asked you to make love to me, and trust me, you made me feel loved."

"That was the goal," Louis murmured. "Good news. We didn't mess up the sheets, just the comforter."

"I can put it in the washer before we shower," Harry stretched slightly, but then his nose scrunched. "You're still inside me."

"Right, right," Louis began, but Harry stopped him from pulling out by grabbing his bum.

"It's not uncomfortable yet... when it is, we can shower," he told Louis.

The older man nodded, "I'll toss the comforter in the dryer tomorrow while you're at the bureau."

"Don't we need the comforter tonight?" Harry frowned.

"Nah, the sheet is good enough," Louis explained. "You radiate such intense body heat that I nearly burn up when I wake up in the mornings. We'll just have to cuddle extra close."


"Plus I need something to do tomorrow. I'll clean your house, maybe. I want to distract myself from your absence as much as possible."

"Maybe I can come home early..." Harry said softly. "Tomorrow is... you know what, let's not talk about that. Let's just go shower, I'm getting achy."

Louis pulled out his softening cock, "I probably would have just slipped out of you eventually, but then the come would dry on our chests and that's just..."

Harry nodded, patting at Louis so the man would roll off of him. When they were both up, Harry tossed the comforter into the washer before he made his way to where Louis waited for him in the shower. It was seemingly becoming a routine for them: making sweaty messes out of one another, showering together, and then cuddling in bed until they fell asleep. However, Louis began talking about Wednesday in the shower, upsetting himself once more, so Harry dropped to his knees, bent Louis over so the man could use the shower wall for support while his thighs quivered, and Harry rimmed Louis until he was babbling and spurting onto the shower floor, the water washing the sticky mess down the drain.

After drying and brushing their teeth, they climbed into bed without bothering to put on clothes. Harry spooned Louis from behind, too anxious to even think about growing hard. Louis was exhausted from receiving two orgasms, but he remained awake as Harry spoke quietly in the darkness, "We never did the dishes, but that's alright. We left the television on as well."

"Harry..." Louis whispered.


"Please get me back to you as soon as you can... I can't come to you this time, you'll have to come get me," Louis said nervously. "Let's just hope they make it easier than I did."

"I always swore I'd catch you eventually," Harry assured. "So don't worry yourself, alright? Let me do the worrying. I'll catch you and I'll drag your ass back here to me. And after that... whatever happens, happens. But they won't be as clever as you, so let's hope it doesn't take me a year."

Louis nodded frantically, "Not a year. I deserve more than a year, I know, but I don't want it."

"You don't deserve a year," Harry sighed. "You don't deserve two weeks."

Louis didn't respond for a few moments, but he changed the subject, "I should let you sleep so you aren't tired in the morning."

"Robin Hood..."

"Frog face."

Harry grinned, nuzzling his face against Louis' damp hair, "Mine was a compliment, you ass."

"So was mine," Louis replied. "I love frogs. Especially if they have egg shaped heads."

"I think your sassy side is my favourite," Harry hummed.

"You love all of me, admit it."

"I do. I love all of you."

"And I love all of you, from your gangly legs to your frog face," Louis giggled, turning and kissing Harry's jaw. "I'm going to sleep now, and you should too. Wake me up when you get me out of prison."

Harry sighed, nodding his head and snuggling Louis closer. Louis' breathing eventually evened out, but Harry couldn't sleep. And when he did sleep, it wasn't a decent sleep. He woke up repeatedly from dreams of Louis being beat up in prison, his small form pinned down and hit, kicked... and much worse. Dreams where he couldn't do anything to help Louis' punishment lessen. The smaller man in his arms provided him with some form of comfort, but after Wednesday Harry knew such dreams were going to be absolute torture. Because he'd wake up alone, and his dreams would be half true. Louis'd be in prison. He could only hope that the other part stayed a horrid nightmare.

And then at 6:00am when his alarm went off, and he smacked it off as quickly as he could to let Louis sleep, it was nearly painful for him to pull away from the softly snoring man. But he kissed Louis' forehead before he got dressed, after he got dressed, and once more before he left. And he certainly didn't cry in his car as he drove to work.

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