Goodbye Arizana

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[DISCLAIMER] I did not spell Arizona wrong. You will see further in the story why it is spelled this way.

I left my house feeling free.


I don't want to leave.

I want to stay.

But. I would love to go...

Goodbye Arizana. France. I'm only saying hello.


"Bye Drake, Bruno, Molly, Pochy, Muffin, Delta, Tinker, Gustav, Chelsea, Poppy. I will miss you the most  Oscar." I said.

All my puppies barked. Teary-eyed, I walked away, crying slightly. Monica, my chauffeur, held me close and told me this.

"I will miss you. You will miss us. We will love you, take care of yourself sweetheart"

I bursted to tears that moment. I couldn't bear the heartbreak. Seeing Grace in person one last time was the real challenge.


"Hola ¿qué diablos haces aquí??" Grace said angrily.
"Pardon my French but Grace chill the hell out with that Spanish shit. Get the joke? Haha."
"Quen diablos eres tú?!" She opens the door. "Holy shit Lana I forgot you were leaving today..." Said Grace.
"Heh? Oh. Time for jokes. If the it's Holy then the Lord shat on you..."
"Lana." She said.
"Imma miss you nugget." Grace said shyly.
"Get wasted, get high, and don't get pregnant, stink."
We hugged. Hugged more. Cried. Cried more. Laughed. Laughed more. We were still doing everything together, yes, we even did it more.

I left her. I thought I would've lost her. I will never lose her.

"Lady Lana?" Monica said.
"We here yet?"
"Precisely!" She said happily.

She always wanted to see me arrive safely even if it was somewhere she'd see me leave her.

"Stay safe Rainbow" she said.
"You too Moni!"

I called Grace and we talked for hours on the plane! How we would constantly talk, woah! I make sure to reminder her everyday not to get a new best friend or boyfriend. Her boyfriend's name is Matt, although she keeps saying I need to get a boyfriend. She doesn't know I have a crush on Johnny Fatoni, he's so dreamy, he is also going to be in France with me.

"Hey Lana!" ??? Said

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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