The Change

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I slowly start to walk out of my room so I don't look to anxious in front of my father and my alpha but I cant help myself for very long. I take off my black heeled boots and take off running through the halls until I get to the large double door that leads to the outside world.

I push on the old polished wood and take in a big breath of that fresh summer air. I start sprinting into the woods where I will make my first change in my life. 

When I get far enough from the house, near a crystal lake about half a mile away, I start to strip and put my clothes by a tree hidden by some moth and twigs so someone doesn't find them. I close my eyes and take a deep breath of the fresh air and as it pierces my nostrils and lungs, I feel my arms and legs start to tingle. When I open my eyes, my vision is outlined red, the first sign of beginning to change. My wolf is calling to me, and she is ready to be set free. 

The pain is excruciating but satisfying. I can feel each of my bones twist and bend as I let my wolf take over my body. My hands start to deform and grow, as they turn into paws. My nose grows further away from my face, as my sense of smell enhances dramatically. I felt my ears stretch out to their wolf length and at the same time, my hearing increases. I can hear every bird chirp and every squirrel rustling in the trees a mile away. 

I finally get done changing and I walk over to look at my reflection in the lake. This is the first time I ever say my wolf coat and it is beautiful. Just like my human hair, it is a dramatic red color but it also has some black and grey parts in it too. I've never seen a wolf with a coat like this before. 

Seeing myself fully transformed into my wolf, I get excited and I start to feel my adrenaline rush through my veins. I take one short step after the other and sooner or later I end up sprinting full pace through the woods. I haven't felt this free in years I never want to go back to that horrible room. 

I get so far off the pack property that I don't even know where I am anymore. But I don't even care. Until they showed up. 

The outlaws.

Five of them come out from behind the trees, all of them with solid black eyes. They were walking in circles around me and growling, showing their yellow, decaying fangs. As I was taught in all my self defense classes, I got down in a defending stance, showing my teeth, so they know I mean business. I wont take any shit from some stupid grungy mutts. 

The longer they stand there, the closer they get to me, almost in biting range. I see what looks to be the leader of the group nods his head at a mutt behind me and right as I turn around, it jumps right at me, aiming for my throat. I was able to move fast enough so he didn't get a hold of my neck but he was able to latch his teeth onto my chest. I howled with pain as I heard some of my ribs crack. 

The wolf kept its hold on me as he slowly brought me to the ground. I could taste my own blood in my mouth and my limbs gave out from beneath me. My vision started to blur but before I passed out the tension of the mutts jaw around my chest released when another wolf tackled him. The last thing I remember before I passed out was a large male wolf with a jet black fur coat and bright purple eyes hovered over me.

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