
19 1 1

My eyes flutter open and right in front of me is the most dreamy and attractive guy Ive ever laid my eyes on. He has thick short hair that is so dark of brown it looks black. His face is perfectly symmetrical, everything lined up just the way it should be. 

He is perfectly golden tan, and hands that are the size of my face. Attached to those hands are giant arms that could pick up a tree. He is literally perfect. And he was laying right in front of me.


I kiss him lightly on the lips and right away he starts kissing me back. I pull away and I could see his beautiful violet eyes up close. There was a big smile on his face and that made my stomach twirl.

"Good morning beautiful," Tyler says with the sweetest tone. 

"Good morning," I responded as my cheeks turned red from the compliment.

I slowly get out of bed and gather up my clothes that are scattered across the floor leading up to the bathroom.

I turn around when I'm standing in the doorway to see Tyler still laying in bed with the dark blue blankets barely coving his torso. He had his arms propping his head up so he had the perfect view of me in his giant t-shit from the day before. 

"Im gonna shower quick before I leave. That ok?" I asked looking for his approval. 

"What do you mean leave?" Tyler asked.

"I have to go back home. I can't stay here forever. My dad is probably worried sick about me," I explained.

"You can't leave. Not yet. Its not safe and I don't want u to get hurt again," Tyler says as he got off the bed and walked over to me. "I don't know what I would do if something happened."

"Ill be ok don't worry. And if you really wanted to protect me then you could just come with. Stay at the house with me and the pack. Im sure my father would be ok with taking you in, specially cause you did save my life and all."

"Im not so sure-" Tyler started but I cut him off.

"Tyler. It will be ok," I reassured him then kissed him on the cheek. "Trust me."

Tyler Pov

"Tyler. It will be ok," she said reassuringly and kissed me on the cheek. "Trust me."

I finally agreed to let Phoenix go back to her pack but she insisted on me going with. I know its not a good idea for me to go back there, but I don't think I can tell her that.

Or tell her why.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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