Ice Cream Parlor

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Charlie pov

As I walked down the front steps of the school I saw Grant Dove Waiting for me by the bus line.

G- hey Charlie

C- hello Grant ready to go get ice cream?

G- you bet

With that Grant and I headed down the street walking the 15 minutes to the ice cream shop. We mainly walked in silence bc we were to awkward to speak. As the arrival of the shop Grant walked a little bit in front and opened the door for me.

G- my lady

C- why thank you kind sir I laughed softly

G- what's so funny

C- you being a gentleman I didn't think there was any left

G- lol well my momma raised me right

C- well then shall we

With that we walked into the ice cream parlor and got in line

G- so what ice cream flavor are you getting

C- easy peppermint with pb cups

G- well then I am having plain chocolate

C- lane

G- shut up

When we got our ice cream I reached for my wallet but Grant had already payed... I really hated when people payed so next time we go out to eat if there is a next time I will me paying

G- didn't think I would pay did you

C- no I don't like letting other people paying for me that's all

G- Oh well oh well to late

The rest of the nite me and Grant talked about school and home life. We found out a lot about each other. We laughed a lot and I saw a different side to Grant and I was happy to meet him.

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