chapter 15

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*** I havent said it, but shout out to all the people who make the manips that I use. I get them all off of Tumblr so shout out to yall for the lit manips. ***


Laurens p.o.v.

"Camila where are we?" I questioned while I walked to our destination blind folded. 

"Jesus Christ Lauren, were almost there now be quiet." She responded while grabbing my hand and leading the way.

"Well you dont have to be so rude." I said while pouting.

"Alright were here, but wait I need to do something." She said while letting go of my hand. "Alright, take off the blind fold." She spoke while I placed my hands on the back of my head to unfold the blind fold.

When I was finally able to see, I saw Camila standing by a lake with a bouquet of flowers, a blanket laid out on the grass, some pillows, a picnic basket, and candles.

"Camz. Whats this?" I asked and I couldnt help but smile looking at her.

"Surprise." She said while raising her arms in the air holding the flowers up. "I wanted to do something nice for you, something relaxing. So I was thinking, a picnic by the lake, and watch the sun set?" She said while walking towards me and grabbing my hand to lead me towards the blanket.

"Camz babe, this is super cute. No ones ever done something like this for me before." I said while I felt my cheeks getting hot.

"Well, you're super cute, and good, I wanted to do something that you've never done before. Oh, and these, are for you my lady." She said while handing me the flowers and flashing me a smile.

"Thank you." I said while sitting on the blanket while Camila followed sitting next to me.

"Alright, so I packed us some stuff to eat." My brown eyed girl said while pulling the picnic basket towards her. "So we have some nutella and peanut butter sandwiches, some grapes, some strawberrys, of course some bananas, some oreos, and some sodas and water. Its not a lot, but I mean, I was kind of nervous and didnt really know what to pack." She said while looking down at everything that she brought.

"Why are you nervous?" I asked while placing a hand her knee.

"I mean, I dont know. Maybe I'm just scared that you dont like it or that I'd do something boring or stupid and mess it all up." She responded while looking at my hand that was resting on her knee.

"Dont worry about that baby. I really like this, I like spending time with you and if you dont know already, I like you like a lot. I dont think I could ever be bored around you just because I get lost everytime I look at you just because you're so damn fine. By the way, have I mentioned you look hot as fuck today." I said placing a hand on her cheek.

"Fucking Jauregui. Always making me blush." She responded while covering her face and laughing.

"I mean Im pretty smooth if I do say so myself." I said while attempting to put on my sun glasses but failing miserably and poking myself in the eye.

"Oh yeah, super smooth babe." Camila responded while rolling her eyes and placing a hand on top of mine.

"Shut up. Now, lets get this picnic started." I said while leaning over and grabbing a sandwich for myself.


"Are you ready to head back home?" Camila questioned while resting her head on my shoulder. 

"I think the real question is are You ready to go home?" I said while looking at her.

"I'm very very tired Lauren Michelle, and we have school tomorrow so hah." She responded while grabbing the picnic basket and putting the left over food that we had away. 

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