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Dusk had finally settled. I sat outside of my sandstone hut on a simple log. The campfire was lit and warming. Watching the sunset had been a daily activity of mine. The only thing different tonight was the x-wing that had flew in over the sand mountain. I turned around in curiosity to see where it had landed, but it ended up landing far out of my sight and I had no interest in further exploring my curiosity. I sat back down on my log and warmed my body. The flames occasionally would die down from the wind, but it didn't concern me until a whole squadron of First Order ships flew over my hut causing my fire to be executed. I quickly ran inside my hut and closed the cloth I used as a door. I blew out the torches that lit my home and crawled into the corner. I rocked back and forth in the cold darkness trying to warm myself up. I heard a loud cry coming from the east side of the village. It seemed distant so I stumbled to the 'door' and peeked out. The surroundings were clear so I decided to go back to my fire, which consisted of nothing but sparks now. I sat on the log and tried to see what exactly was going on. I heard blasters go off and villagers scream. My instincts made me jump up and run toward the danger. I climbed a sand mountain and laid down on top of it. I watched as stormtroopers killed the defenseless villagers. Blood and enemies were everywhere. I looked over to my right and saw a Resistance pilot being dragged onto an enormous ship. The troopers dragging the pilot were following a cloaked man. He was dressed in pure black. I wasn't able to see the front of the man but he seemed pretty intimidating. I felt a shiver swim down my spine. I got on my knees and crawled back to my shelter. I laid down on the cool sand and tried to force myself into a deep sleep. Nothing would work, everything I tried resulted in me tossing and turning. I sighed in defeat and decided to head out on an expedition. I grabbed my things and headed west from my village. Trudging through the sand was irritating at the least. The only thing good about this is that it's night. If this were the day I would've died of dehydration or a heat stroke. I chuckled at the thought and began to march faster. Faster was better. The sun began to peek over the mountains and hills of sand. I sighed at the sight of the bright light and started to head off even faster. By noon I reached an unknown village to me. There were different species everywhere. I gawked at the sight of all the mixed species and proceeded forward. I noticed a line of people forming in front of a large, unsettling man. I turned away and began exploring through this village. It's been hours since I've been in a real civilization and I wanted to take this in.

"Hey, You!" I heard a girl shout from behind me. I turned around and saw a young girl, dressed in what seemed to be dirty rags, equipped with a staff. She had a little droid beside her rolling back and forth. I pointed a finger into my chest and tilted my head in confusion.

"Yes, you!" She shouted charging at me. I started to back up at a cautious speed. She finally approached me and took me out with one swipe to the knees with her staff.

"I.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean no harm. I'm new to the village. My village was raided by the First Order." I apologized. Her eyes began to grow. She looked down at the droid and the droid began to sing a long tune of beeps. She stuck her hand out and I winced at the fast motion. I shook off the feeling and grabbed her hand. She pulled me up with one quick tug.

"I'm sorry. Welcome to Niima Outpost. I must have mistaken you for someone else. This little droid told me someone over here in your direction was dangerous." She looked over my shoulder.

"Him!" She pointed. The droid began to profusely beep. She pushed me aside and I tumbled back onto the ground. I watched as the droid and the young girl attacked a male with the same Resistance jacket on that I saw earlier. I sighed and stood up, dusting myself off. I took a good look around at the village and decided it wasn't for me. I made my way towards the front of the village, or at least what looks like the front, and stared at the large cement entrance. It had beautiful markings engraved in it or painted on it. It was hard to tell being how small I was compared to the thing. I walked underneath it and leaned against the cement column. Once again that strange girl and the attacked male ran past me. I got curious as to where the droid was until I heard it screaming a single beep when it whizzed by me. I laughed at it's noise and turned around to see what they were running from. Three ships were flying straight towards me. I felt my heart jump to my throat and my hands began to shake. I started running towards the group leaving behind a big explosion. I jumped at the loudness of the bombing.

"Hey! What the heck is going on!?" I screamed to them. They couldn't hear me over all the explosions. I watched as they ran to a half-decent looking ship. As they grew closer and closer a black ship flew right over them and bombed their desired ship. They instantly turned around and ran over to the covered ship. I stood still in fear and confusion. They climbed aboard the ship and started it up. I stared at the unknown ship as it blasted off leaving behind the cloth that covered it and the layer of dust that had made a home out of it. I sighed and collapsed to the ground. The hot sun beating down on me wasn't helping at all. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and gained the courage to stand up. I looked around and noticed a very small ship that was hidden by the dusty old ship. I trotted over to it, my head high on hope. I dusted it off and what was underneath the dirt  exceeded my expectations. It was an old and rusty  X-wing. I climbed in it and began flipping the proper switches. The ship let off a small groan but continued to grumble. I pulled a lever back and lifted the ship up into the air. I laughed at my victory and put the ship into lightspeed. I flew toward the outer rim territories hoping I'd be safe from the First Order. Once I approached the territories I flew into the Illenium system. Home of the most beautiful and relaxing planet, D'qar. I put the ship into auto-pilot and leaned back in my chair. I smiled at the thought of how alone and peaceful things would be.

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