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"What are you doing now?" I questioned.

"Leaving." He growled and marched to the door.

"Wait, Kylo!" I called for him. He hesitantly came to a stop. I sighed and ran up to him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. He was completely silent.

"What's wrong?" I inquired.

"Nothing, Alayla." He stubbornly replied.

"Don't be a drama queen. Spill it." I felt anger rise in me.

"Don't play with me." He pushed me aside and left the room. I stood there breathless trying to understand what just happened. Does THE Kylo Ren have feelings for me? I sighed and pushed the thought away. I sluggishly walked out of the room and headed toward the control room. I didn't see any sign of Kylo on the way which made me believe he went to his room. I entered the control room and instantly began scanning my surroundings trying to find Hux. I saw a room with a door barely open. I crept over to the door and slowly opened it. I saw Hux staring at a white board. I opened the door a little more creating a creak. Hux snapped out of his hypnosis phase and guided his attention to me.

"Uh..H-Hey Hux." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

"What do you need? Can't you see I'm working?!" He hollered at me.

"I- Uh.. I'm sorry. I'll come back another time." I smiled and left his office closing his door behind. I sighed and tried to think of something to do. I suddenly felt a pull coming from an abandoned room. The door was pretty beat up. I slowly walked up to it and lightly put my hand on it. The door unexpectedly flew open at the touch of my fingers.I watched as Kylo bowed his head to a burnt Darth Vader mask. I gasped and covered my mouth. My gasp attracted his attention to me. He stood up, fists clenched, and stormed over to me. I stumbled back until I was flat against a wall. He slammed his hand on the wall next to my face causing my to wince at the fast movement.

"What do you think you were doing!?" He softly but intimidatingly whispered.

"I.. I.. I felt a force. It pulled me to that room. I placed my hand on it and it opened. I didn't mean any harm I swear. I'll just forget about this." I frantically stuttered. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room locking the door behind him. He lifted his hands to his mask and took it off. He softly placed it on the ground trying not to disturb his shrine. He leaned in close to my face. I saw the power in his eyes.

"You.. Do not tell anyone about this room." He ordered.

"Y..Yes." I stuttered, nodding my head. He looked down at my body and watched me shake with fear. He slowly placed a soft hand on my arm.

"Don't be scared." He whispered staring at my arm. I slowly relaxed and tried to stop shaking. He lifted his eyes to mine.

"I saw your past." He whispered.

"You're safe with me." His breath hit off of my lips. I closed my eyes trying to resist him.

Don't let your guard down, Alayla. I thought to myself.

It's too late. I quickly opened my eyes and noticed that Kylo's lips were on mine. The softness of them soothed me. I closed my eyes slowly and allowed it to happen.

Fool. I opened my eyes once more and felt Kylo pull away and smirk.

"Wha.. What do you mean fool?" I placed a soft finger on my lips.

"Payback?" He shrugged.

"I let my guard down and you hurt me. So you put your guard down and I'll hurt you." He smirked.

"I.. I didn't mean to hurt you. How are you going to hurt me?" I stuttered.

"Follow me." He smirked.

"I'm not sure if I want to." I replied following him out of his room.

Why are you following him?! He's going to hurt you! Idiot!! My mind screamed at me. I ignored the thoughts and followed Kylo around the hallways. We had finally reached Supreme Leader's room.

"Supreme Leader, her training is complete. I will send her off to complete her mission." Kylo bowed at the darkness the room projected.

Take her. Snoke's voice boomed through the room without revealing him. I shook with fear as Kylo turned on his heel and marched out of the room. I trailed behind him with my lost puppy reputation. 

"What..What is my 'mission'" I quoted him.

"You need to kill." He clenched his fists as he furiously marched through the halls and into the control room.

"Hux! It's time." He shouted.

"Y..Yes sir." Hux stuttered as he left his office and started operating a holopad.
"It's ready to send her." Hux nodded at Kylo and gave me a sorrowful look.

"That's it. I'm not doing anything until you tell me what's going on." I demanded.

"You are going to kill Poe Dameron." A robotic voice shot from behind me. I quickly turned around to face a tall, metallic, stormtrooper.

"That's Captain Phasma." Hux informed. I nodded at her and turned back to Kylo.

"Way to give it away." Kylo mumbled.

"Whatever. I leave and kill Poe why?" I questioned.

"Enough. I've heard enough. Now go get in a TIE fighter." He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. I sighed and trudged to the hangar. I got in a TIE fighter and heard a beep go off. I looked around and realized they gave me access to leave.

Why.... I felt tears sting into my eyes.

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