The Jerk & I : 9

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So the last chapter was pretty full on. Don't know how they'll recover from that . . . This chapt. is more on Jace, so Jace fans this one's for you!! I hope you enjoy it! Please comment and vote! Thanks!


P.S. I've finished my banner!


My dad wasn't exactly the parent I was closest to. He was supportive but strict. He was formal with you so it felt like you had to be formal back. Basically, I couldn't really let loose or relax around him. When I did, he would correct me or tell me to practise my piano or read. So I kept that to the minimum. That didn't mean that I didn't miss him after he died. When they found him he was burnt to a crisp. No remains or traces of evidence. I guess I know why now. After three long years of searching for the killer they gave up. 'Cold Case'.

My left arm seemed to be shaking uncontrollably. I pushed my right hand onto it to steady it. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Everything around me seemed to be blurry and my head felt as if it were spinning. I couldn't hear properly, I knew Adam was speaking but all I heard was a loud throbbing in my ears. I felt strong, wide hands on my shoulders.

Almost immediately the world around me came into focus. I peered up at Adam's worried face, his silver blue eyes, his moving lips that didn't seem to make a sound. Soon my hearing started working too. It was as if I were dreaming and had been brought back to reality or woken up from a long, deep sleep. I focused on his seductive pink lips, trying to figure out what he was saying.

"Cassie, Cassie. Are you OK?" Adam asked.

"Don't call me that," I mumbled. I wasn't looking at Adam anymore. I placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to steady myself while pulling away from him.

"What? Cassie. I'm sorry. I didn't know you then. It wasn't my choice. If I didn't I would've died on the spot. Cassie, can you just let me explain? Cassie -"

"Stop calling me Cassie. My friends call me CASS. You've explained more than you needed to, Adam. I'm going home," I told him quietly, still a little dizzy and hazed. I was finally able to balance on my two feet. I pushed Adam away lightly, dashing out the door and out of his maze of a house.

I took my touch phone out of my zip up skirt pocket. I started to lightly tap on the screen with my fingers. "Hey, can you pick me up?"


Jace sat on the smooth leather seat. He looked at me warily before looking back at the road. "I'm guessing he told you. Now you see why I hate them so much," Jace said, trying to sound light.

I didn't look back at him, or even face him. I kept my head lowered, trying to find something interesting on the dark car mat beneath my black school shoes. "He told me everything. Like the fact that he killed my dad. The fact that he tortures people. That reminds me, how were you involved in all of this? How do you know?" I tried to change the subject, can't exactly stay depressed about it, seeing as how it was a 'secret', well I'm guessing it is.

"You know that you can't tell anyone about this, right," he checked with me, bringing up the subject that was on my mind. I nodded and looked at him out of the corner of my eyes. His lean yet slightly muscular body was sitting on the leather seat, one arm stretched out, holding the steering wheel. "OK, good. Just wanted to make that clear. He killed your dad? That must've been his first kill. Death Dealers are so . . . inhumane. Making someone as young as NINE years old witness or kill someone? To me, that's just . . . wrong," Jace scoffed, keeping his eyes on the endless road.

Nine years old? That's right, eight years ago . . . why didn't I notice that? Maybe I SHOULD give him a chance. I shook my head, he killed your dad Cass, a voice reminded me. But he was only NINE. That must've traumatised him. And I really shouldn't have said that he didn't have anything left. He must hate Death Dealers, they're the ones that made him have nothing. He himself was a Death Dealer though. Even though he had no choice . . . what am I saying? I'm doubting what I said earlier. But I was angry then, snappy and saying anything that came to mind - no, I didn't even think about it. I sighed tiredly, this is doing my head in.

The Jerk & I : 9Where stories live. Discover now