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Our fates
lie in the hands of the things we love
And sometimes the things we love
are the things that lead us
to the destruction of ourselves

"Good morning Miss [Surname]!"

"Good morning!" you greeted the palace maids warmly. "Do you perhaps know where Prince Noctis is?" you asked.

The maids nodded "Ah yes, I heard he's in a meeting right now. But I think they should be done soon." they replied.

"Thanks!" you smiled and bid the maids farewell before hurrying to your destination.

The high walls carried the echoes of your hurried steps as you paced down the long hallway. Due to your very frequent visits to the palace, you had the map of the palace memorized inside out. In actuality you weren't a royal or noble of any sort, in fact you were just an average commoner of Lucis. Yes it was unusual to have a commoner like you roaming around the palace at free will. But because of your relationship with the kingdom's Prince, you were given this privilege. And it was easing to know that you were given this trust.

Just as you turned the corner you were just in time to see the councilmen exit the council room with King Regis and his son following not long after. You giggled lightly to yourself at the exhausted expression on Noctis' face; it must've been a tiring meeting.

"Noct--" you were about to call out, however you stopped yourself upon seeing King Regis conversing with his son. From the stern expression on the king's face, whatever the two were talking about must be serious. I'll come back later you thought and without wanting to disturb, you proceeded to take your leave. However the next few words that entered your ears were enough to paralyze you in your tracks.

"You are to marry Lunafreya Nox Fleuret."

At the sound of those very words, the blood instantly drained from your face. The beating of your heart started to escalate, sending an unknown feeling of pain to your chest. Marriage the word repeated itself over and over again in your head like a broken tape recorder. Instead of leaving like you had planned, you found yourself backing up to the wall, eavesdropping on their each and every word.

"What!?" Noctis exclaimed a little too loudly, he felt as though he had been slapped across the face. Marriage!? Though this news was not foreign to him, it still didn't fail to shock him. That part of his duty had slipped from his mind since his father rarely touched on the topic...until now. He suddenly started to feel sick at the thought.

"I know this is overwhelming to you, but you do know that marriage is the strongest way for us to form an alliance with Tenebrae." King Regis calmly said, taking note of his son's sudden outburst.

"I know but...." Noctis bit his lip. He had full awareness of that. But having an arranged marriage was something Noctis never wanted to go through. He already had someone whom he loved and deeply cared about; it was you who he wanted as his wife, as his queen. The thought of abandoning you, Noctis would rather die than make you go through such a thing. "Is there another way?" timidly asked his father.

Regis visibly sighed and looked down. He knew exactly why the Prince wanted an alternative method for this alliance. "Noctis," he began. "there are some things that must be sacrificed for the better of our kingdom."

"But I love her..." Noctis whispered lowly.

"I know you do Noctis. [Name]'s a wonderful and beautiful woman, but the safety of Lucis is priority. I always hoped you never had to choose between the happiness of your kingdom, over the happiness of someone you love. But this is reality Noct." it hurt Regis to say those words, but it was the truth. "It shouldn't be too bad." The king attempted to reassure his son. "You've known Lunafreya since you were children. You've spent almost all your childhood together." Regis tried to break a smile. "You still got that promise to fulfill right?"

What the Heart Wants [Noctis Lucis Caelum Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now