2nd day !

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fuck sake got to fringing get up

"get up you need to get to school"

wow my mum is mardy again  

"right right i'm getting up" 

I got out of my bed and remembered what happened yesterday I've got to go back to the music program. I moved my sleepy arse to the bathroom and got in the shower I did my normal thing wash my hair and body. I got out and dried my body I decided on putting on my black jeans and grey flow top with my army boots and my hair in a messy bun with dark black eye liner. I ran straight down the steps and ran to school.

As I got there I remembered that I hat to go straight to the music place in the school as I got up there miss was the only one there just getting her stuff out of her bag. as I went past her office to the couch across from it I thought i'd be nice and say something

"hi" I said with a smile

"hey Ronnie are you ok" miss said with a really big smile

"yes i'm good thanks"

miss seemed happy that I spoke to her

"Ronnie Niall will be hear soon to show you around"

"...uh ok .." that was all I could get out. 

"miss how long do you think he will be because I need to get to my first class"

" uh yeah you don't need to go to class today you can stay in hear if you want " miss said with the most biggest grim on her face.

I couldn't help but smile at that whoop whoop no work!!!!!

ok calm down Ronnie

I snapped out of my thought because the door slammed shut I look to see who I is and what look to be a man stood at the door he had a moustache and black hair he looked really creepy.

"hey Niall" miss signed

ok wow wow that Niall what the flip happed to him it looked like he's been eaten by a hobo or something. I got know out my thoughts by Niall taking off his moustache witch now I can see that is Niall. he pulled of his wig and redid his hair before I could even say anything his eyes met mine.

"hey so I dint need to go and look for you" he signed with a bid grin.

"Niall ok you put your stuff down and then you need to show Ronnie around" with that I couldn't help but smile.

  Niall walked over to me and pulled me in to a hug I dint know what to do so I just hugged him back.

all I could think was wow he has a really strong hug witch sent shivers up my spine until I was pulled out my thoughts by miss.

*cough cough*

"Niall don't get any ideas" miss signed with a little chuckle after.

when me and Niall pulled away from are hug I could feel my face went beetroot red and I look are Niall his face was the same.

omg I couldn't all ready like him that's just not me I mean he's cute and I smidge bit hot but he probably all ready got a girl friend and why am I thinking like this STOP IT RONNIE STOP.

me and Niall went for a walk around the place I dint realize it was this big it bloody massive. Niall broke the silence witch I dint realize it was that quite.

".....mmm... so" Niall said

"... mmm .. so" I said i'm a bit of a sarcastic tone

"so what's your family like?" he said with a bit of weary voice.

"mm well my family err my mum comes from Ireland and my dad is from Sheffield  I'm am only kid mm think that's it" god my brain is not working.

omg Ronnie I cant believe I just said all that to some one I don't really know.

" that will answer you accent what part is your mum from" Niall signed

" Mullingar I've been a couple of times why "

" ok cool i'm from there too this is so weird ok so what can you tell me about yourself" he said I a really chirpy tone

"mm.. ok so I like country music and a bit of pop and I can play guitar and piano don't like having attention mm I don't watch much TV love hearing the radio and love my dogs" I couldn't help but smile through all that

"ok right know you can tell me about your family" I singned looking at Niall

" ok right my mum and dad comes from Ireland they spit when I was 5 and went about staying at both house for a bit and then stayed living with my dad I got one older brother Greg and his girlfriend is miss that works hear and I think that's it for my family" he said in a bit of a sad voice.

"oh im sorry I didn't know" I signed and bit sad that I just got him to say that.

" no it fine you told everything about your so I did the same" he signed a bit happier.

"ok so know you self" I said

" right mm well I sing like you all ready know I play the guitar and piano I love food and hearing the radio love dogs and im in a band" he said with a big smile showing off his braces.

" ok cool what band are you in" I said a bit excited

" it called one direction and theirs 4 other lads to" he signed

he went on to tell me how they came about on the x factor and there cds they got I couldn't help but feel bad for not knowing about them.

" I kind of feel bad for not know you a world wide supper star"

"it fine its nice to know people that don't know me for the big super star" he said with a big grin. just after he finished explaining about everything we finely got back to misses office. miss came out and said

" right so you seen it all" I replied with a nod

" good do you too want to go for some lunch" she signed with a smile

me and Niall both agreed with a nod. as miss got her stuff Niall put on his wig and that and we left to go get something to eat. as we got in the car miss asked what do we want to go and get.

"so its kfc, McDonalds or burger king?"

Niall shouted burger king so I agreed with a nod.  as we got there we got some food and when Niall said he loves food he meant it.

after we finished we went to a park for a bit before we hat to get back for misses next lesson.

we got back to school and me and Niall went to the music room while miss when to her lesson.

ok so I know its been a long time since I up dated but hear we go and cliff-hanger ............. love you lodes




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