Meeting Simon

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Ronnie's POV

"why are we hear?" i asked looking at niall for an answer

!you will find out in a min" he signed getting out the car and pulling me with him. we got inside and went to a door that said 'SIMON' liam knock on the door twice them a voice from inside called for us to go in so one by one the boys went in and took at seat and by the time i got in with niall there was only on seat left with out a word i was pulled into nialls lap as simon started to talk.

"hello boys nice to see you again" the lode of 'hi' and 'hello' from the boys till simon turned to me

"and you must be ronnie i've heard lots about you" simon said holding out his hand to shak as i did so.

"not to be rude but what are we doing hear" i said to anyone that will answer

"well if you will follow i will show you" simon said walking out the door. we all went to a room 3 doors down and in there was a studio 'okay then'

"what song do you want to sing" simon said sitting on the seat

"have you got ed sheeran?" i said with a small smile

"yes what song do you want" he said looking through the play list named 'ED'

"kiss me"

"okay go in and put the head phones on and when your ready give me a thumbs up" he finshed with his thumbs up. the minute my thumbs came up the slow music started

"settle down with me cover me up

cuddle me in lie down with me

and hold me in your arms.

and your hearts against my chest your lips pressed in my neck

im falling for your eyes but they dont know me yet

and with a feeling i'll forget, im in love now

kiss me like you wanna be loved you wanna be loved

you wanna be loved this feels like falling in love

falling in love were falling in love

settle down with me and i'll be your safty you'll be my lady

i was made to keep your body warm but im cold as the wind

blows so hold me in your arms-oh no2

as the song came to an end i removed my head phones and walk out

"umm sir why did you want me to sing" i asked going to stand by niall

"call me simon please" i give him a nod as he carried on "and the reson why is because your boyfriend say you can sing so i wanted to hear you foe myself" hw siad

"okay and umm.. when did niall tell you"

"well with the way he looks at you it not that hard to put two and two together eather that or hes just a really creepy guy" simon said with a chuckle.

"right and why did you need me to sing" i said trying to get to the point

"you got a good one" simon said to niall

"because you are going to open up for the boys" simon said getting up and going back to his office as we follow and sat down once again.

"so im going to be opning for these's guys" i said gobbed smacked

"yes you are and the first show is in two days and you and niall are doing that cause its going to be your first show" he said smiling

"right i need a word with niall alone please" simon said me liam louis zayn and harry got up and went to sit on the seat outside his room. just as i sat louis came running up and sat on me and i do mean sat on me have you ever had a 20 year old sit on no well they weight a ton let me tell you that.

" and why do you have to sit on me?" i said slaping his back

"that hurt and do you know qhy nialls in there" louis said still rubbing his back where i slaped him

"nope" i said popping the 'p'

"well hes probley talking about you and niall going public cause thats what he did with me and zayn well not me and zayn bu-"

"i know wha you mean" i said shaking my haed with a smile on my face i really do get how louis is the oldest yet hes the baby of the family.



Niall's POV

as everyone get up to leave ronnie gives one look back before headding out the door. i turn to look at simon to see the ghost of a smile that was there has know been replaced with a full on face smile

"Niall have you gone public with ronnie yet" simon says

"no because i wanted to talk to you first about it" i said trying to stay postive about it.

"well i think you should say at the intervew you have got"

"so your saying i can be seen out with ronnie as a cupple?"i said trying to get my head around it.

"yes im ysaying yes" simon said getting up

"thank you" i signed copping his actions and gave him a man hug

"right well you and the boys need sleep cause of tomorrow its 5am and you need sleep so home and bed then what time you get you do what you want but be asleep by 12 tonight please" i gave him and nod and a salut and marched out the door. standing in the door fame to see louis and zayn wrestling on the floor and ronnie an dliam egging them on. "aham" ronnie looked up and smiled walking towords me.

"so what was that about" ronnie said loud enough to make the boys stop and look at us

"well we got an intervew tomorrow so the rest of today we sleep and be lazy and...." i stoped looking round " well we can go public" i finshed seeing ronnies face light up

"GROUP HUG" ronnie shouts as all the boys came running in to a hug i think well more like a standing up doggie pile.

"okay we need to get to the hotel now" ronnie said brakeing up the hug

"why?" i said a little confused

"cause i smell" she said marching off well thats knew

"okay them of we go " louis say happliy linking arms with ronnie as they skipped to the lift

"well then" liam said chuckling as me and harry followed.

(back at the hotel)  

ronnie's POV

finley back the hotel me and ronnie head to bed

"dont do anything cause you know we are in a hotel" louis shouts

"we wont do anything but niall just well you know im just to tempting" i smiled as niall went beet root red

"o well i think niall just got bummed" zayn sniggered

"okay thats enough leave them alone" liam said going all daddy on us

"night" me and miall yelled at the bopys before going in the room and shuting the door looking round for my which i could not find i turnd round to see niall in his boxers loking through one of his bags

"niall can i have a t-shirt" i said

"sure" he went and pulled out a t-shirt that sid 'kiss me im irish' funny aint it

"thanks" i pulled my shirt off and pull that one on undoing my  jeans niall smaked his arms round me and started kissing my neck

"niall im tired" i said turning round and giving a propper kiss

" okay princess" niall murmed we both got into bed i snuggled closer to niall with his arms around my waist

"night" i said before i went in to a sleep that is much needed

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