Captain America's Girl: 3

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Hey guys I know it's been a long time but I hope you enjoy this chapter.


We packed everything. Everything that showed evidence that we were there. We wiped it clean made sure there were no fingerprints. I cleaned up the room and grabbing my stuff I walk out the room. Not paying attention I ran into a hard chest.

"Sorry.. I wasn't paying attention." I said looking up. And then I saw Steve starring down at me.

"Are you ready?" He asked

"Yeah" I nodded walking to the elevator. He followed

"Do you want to talk about last night?" He asked

"Sure" I said walking into the elevator pressing first floor. "My mom died when in was 13 or at least I thought she did." I said looking down at my hands. "It was raining and we were running late for my ballet performance....."


"Mom I'm late hurry up." I whined as we walked into the car.

"I know, honey put on your seatbelt." She said getting in the front seat. She turned around and looked at me

"You look very pretty, honey." She smiled

"Thank you mom. Can we go now." I smiled annoyed I can't be late again.

"Yeah let's go, Katerina"

"Mom call me Kat. I don't like that name." I whined she started the car driving slow.

"Katherina is your real name not Kat or Katherine, Katherina. That was your Grandmothers name and your keeping it." She said driving

"Mom can you go faster. I'm going to be late?" I asked

"I'll try to go as fast as I can." She said as rain was poring down making it hard to see. Then


We went forward I was Tugged back. But she went through the window. Everything was shattered a tears went down my face as a big chunk of glass was stabbed in my thigh. Blood was gushing out of my thigh. Crying I looked up to see my mom smashed through our car window. All I saw was a man in black they pulled her out and took her away.

"MOM" I screamed

"MOM" I screamed

"MOMMY"I screamed into I passed out.



"They told me that she was gone. That I had imagined it all that no one took her. I never saw her body I should've known that she was still alive. But.. I just..... I don't know." I said tearing up.

"Hey it wasn't your fault." He said turning to me. "Look I've been through this before. I know what it's like and you can't blame yourself." He said putting his hands on my back. Looking into my eyes like he was searching for something.

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