04. Moderation

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I dedicate this chapter to my sister in Islam , friend and kiddo learning_muslimah .

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بسم لله الرحمان الرحيم


قال النبي (ﷺ) : الا قتصاد فن النفقة نصف المعيشة .

Kalan nabiyyu (ﷺ) : Al Ikthisoadu fin nafakoathi nisful Ma í sha .

Rasool e Kareem (ﷺ) said : Moderation in expenditure is half of livelihood.

Narrater : Abdullah bin Umar(rali)
Book : Mishkaat
Chapter : Shuhbul Iman

Word to word translation

الا قتصاد - Moderation
فن - In /kind of
النفقة - Expenditure
نصف - Half of
المعيشة - Livelihood


The Qur'an has called the Muslims a 'middle' nation, and thus Islam enjoins upon them principle of moderation and balanced policy in every walk of life. In the field of consumption - of wealth as well as food-moderation is the golden mean. Both 'less than due' (i.e. miserliness) and 'more than due' (i.e. extravagance) have been prohibited. Let us discuss below the Islamic attitude towards miserliness and extravagance before highlighting its recommendation for moderation.

(A) Miserliness: Miser isone who does not spend on himself and his family according to his means, and also he does not spend on any charitable purpose

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(A) Miserliness: Miser is
one who does not spend on himself and his family according to his means, and also he does not spend on any charitable purpose. Miserliness has been condemned by the following verse of the Qur'an and hadith of Muhammad (PBUH):

Verse of the Qur'an :

And let not thy hand be chained to thy neck nor open it with complete opening, lest thou sit down rebuked, denuded.


Abu Bakr Siddiq reported that the Messenger of Allah said: Neither the diplomat, nor the miser, nor the hard-hearted shall enter Paradise.


(B) Extravagance: Extravagance, according to a Muslim scholar, means firstly spending wealth on unlawful things, such as gambling, drinking, prostitution etc

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(B) Extravagance: Extravagance, according to a Muslim scholar, means firstly spending wealth on unlawful things, such as gambling, drinking, prostitution etc., even if the amount involved is insignificant; secondly excessive expenditure on lawful things, whether within or beyond one's means; thirdly expenditure for good and charitable purposes merely for show.

Islam has condemned extravagance, as it has miserliness, because both these extremes are harmful to Islamic economy. Miserliness withholds community's resources from being properly utilised; whereas extravagance wastes them on unnecessary and superfluous wants. The Holy Qur'an and the Prophet of Islam have condemned extravagance as follows:

Verse of the Qur'an :

" O Children of Adam! Look to your adornment at every place of worship and eat and drink, but be not prodigal. Lo! He loveth not the prodigals."

Hadees :

It is reported by Abu Hurairah that the Apostle of Allah once remarked that one thing at which God is most displeased with you is extravagance.
(Muatta Imam Malik)

(C) Moderation : Moderation between two extremes of miserliness and extravagance has been recommended by Islam as golden mean

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(C) Moderation : Moderation between two extremes of miserliness and extravagance has been recommended by Islam as golden mean.

. If people are moderate in expenditure and abstain from extravagance, they will never be dependent on others. They will not be forced to ask others, thereby bringing disgrace upon themselves. Over-spending more than one's income lead to debt which in turns brings disgrace, worry and frustration. People are financially ruined and along with such worldly ruin comes spiritual ruin as well.

May almighty Allahu ta'ala help us to lead a life which is moderate and give us the loftiest place in jannah

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May almighty Allahu ta'ala help us to lead a life which is moderate and give us the loftiest place in jannah.

Ameen Ameen us rabbal Alameen.

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