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Valentine's place was huge as ever and the party was held in their hall room. They had a really gorgeous garden just outside and a pool.

The place was huge and there were tables filled with chairs and people mingling around in pretty dresses. There were teenagers but I could also see older rich women and one of them was my mom dressed in a emerald green dress.

"See you later guys, I think I'll go and greet my mom." I said and made my way to one of the tables.

"Hello sweetheart, you look great." Mom said with a warm smile. "You don't look bad either." I said and returned her smile. "Sweetheart it's okay, you can go and mingle with your friends." I gave my mom a confused look. "Or should I say, boyfriend?" With that I quickly jerked my direction to Isaac.

He was effing hot. Like dashing smoking hot. He was wearing a white shirt with a black tie and black pants. So simple and so fancy. His well built muscles were exposed thanks to the shirt tightness.

I felt my cheeks blush at my mom's remark. "Yeah I should get going, and mom his not my boyfriend." With that I awkwardly went to his direction.

He kept looking at me and honestly it made my skin burn, but what I wasn't excepting was to feel a gush of pain ache through my body, as he walked away without giving me another glance. I felt rejection hit hard.

He went to a group of men dressed similarly to him and started to chat happily with them.

I tried convince myself that he didn't see me walking to him but just got more hurt and angry.

He saw my grin and saw me basically sprinting to him, he ignored me.

I suddenly felt pissed and felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey you okay there buddy." Val said worry clear on her tone."I'm fine" I replied as Isabel came up to me." I saw all of that. He's a douche and you shouldn't bother, come on lets dance." With that I got dragged to the dance floor. It took me some seconds to understand what she meant, and when I did I felt a wave of relief. She did exactly what I needed, a distraction.

As I let my body move to the very addictive music I felt light hearted again. I wasn't shy and really let myself go. As I was moving my body and enjoying dancing with an equally happy Isabel I accidentally hit someone.

"I'm so sorry." I said and turned around to see who it was. It was Alison. She basically gave me a glare and hit me back.

"Watch where you are going!" I was shocked and before I knew it, I hit her harder. I didn't know why. I guess the anger I felt earlier needed to get freed. I wasn't myself bit didn't care.

In seconds a glass broke, someone grabbed my hair I grabbed hers, and Val was grabbing that person too.

In seconds I was basically jumping on Alison, with back up.



"Let me go! Let me go" I screamed and hit that jerks back hard. How could he dare to just intervene and basically carry me on his shoulder. I wasn't done with her not after I heard her call Adrianna a slut.

Suddenly the conversation earlier got replayed on my mind. Isaac and her had hooked up some month ago and I couldn't stop getting so agitated by that fact.

"I won't ever let you go." With that my heart fluttered and I cussed at him for it. I didn't stop and continued to hit him but he didn't budge. Actually my hand only got hurt.

As I felt the cool air hit my bare skin he finally put me down. He had brought me outside Vals house and to some kind of a garden. It was beautiful but I was too upset to enjoy the view.

I didn't realize that I had teardrops falling down my chin until he quietly wiped them away. I slapped his hands away automatically. I just didn't want him to touch me, not after I got to know that he had touched her.

"Why the heck did you do that for?! Why did you stop me when she started the fight?! You taking sides now?!!" I yelled at him.

"What ?! I'm not taking sides!! And I don't know, you got into a fight maybe?! And not to mention in a place were there were full of mobs! You shouldn't be showing yourself up like that in a place with mafias!" He to my surprise actually yelled back.

I started to calm down and felt shocked at the fact that he was worrying about me- yelling but still worrying about me- tough he didn't have too. It was my best friends house, nobody could have done anything to me with out getting hurt themselves.

"Is that the reason you ignored me?" My voice was much softer, calmer and Isaac didn't reply. He avoided eye contact and still seemed a bit mad. " It would be a pain in the ass for you if you ever got involved with people like that. Not to mention what you were wearing." He said in the end as he sat down on a bench, I sat down beside him and looked at my outfit. Yeah, it might haven't been the brightest idea to wear this in a place full of dangerous forty year old men, but it was still Val's house. I knew I was safe there.

"Well, you could have told me that and didn't have to basically diss me." I muttered still slightly angry at him for ignoring me the whole night. I thought he would at least greet.

I could feel him turning all his attention to me. I started to blush but thank god it was too dark outside for him to notice. His stares just made me feel weird sensations down my spine.

"Is that why you were extra angry? Because I wasn't with you?" He Said with an overly amount of amusement. I mentally faced palm myself for saying anything. "No, obviously not. I just thought it was rude." I tried to defend myself but he just chuckled. "Yeah, right, rude." He said still amused and obviously didn't buy my excuse.

"Sweetheart, it's hella cute when you're pissed, but I didn't do it because I didn't want to talk to you I just didn't want you to get involved with mobs more then you already are." He said with a surprisingly soft voice and layed his arm around my waist so that my left side was all warm and pressed tight to him.

It my stomach do flips. Double flips as I sadly blushed again.

I actually, felt like kissing him and that's when it hit me. The reason I was so agitated by Alison and the fact that he ignored me the whole night; I had freaking feelings for him. Feelings for a bad boy, which I shouldn't be having.

Yet, I was no where near hell going to admit that to him. So I did a stupid thing, I slightly pushed him away like he was dangerous and said the stupidest excuse on earth while stuttering.

"I-I- ha-have t-to go n-ow." With that I sprinted to the car without looking back at him but all I could hear was an amused chuckle.

"You can't run away from me forever Nicole!" With that I ran even faster and when I got to the parking lot to my surprise I met Val and without letting her ask me why my face was red like a tomato I quickly got inside her car that was already open." Let's drive home fast." With that I buckled my seat only to get a message from mom.

An angry message and it seemed like Val and I had to stop by Adriannas house to get a real good scolding.

It wasn't something I looked forward but good enough to distract me from the embarrassment with Isaac.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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