32 - Group Chat

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Overprotective Father Daniel:

It feels good to have everyone back in this chat

Even if, there is things we all need to talk about

I know you told everyone about what i told you, Daniel

I saw Eve's phone when she dropped me off at the airport

Overprotective Father Daniel:

Fuck sake, Eve

This is why women shouldn't be added to a chat called Men's Club

Also, this flight is taking forever

Mermaid Hybrid Queen:

You're not the one sat next to Paul

Who's snoring is driving me slowly insane

And I'm gonna suffocate him with my travel pillow if he doesn't stop

Doppelganger Babe:

Screw you all, I'm sat with Rachel

The best travel companion ever

We've got wine and sleep masks

Damn right, only the best for two queens


Lucky assholes, I miss wine :(


Then have some

I pretty sure Ian will have a bottle in his fridge


How do you even know I'm at Ian's house ?


They all know you're dog sitting

That, and you've practically moved in


Well, I can't drink even if I wanted to

Eve, don't do what i think you're about to do

Not over a bloody GC 


I'm so confused

Mermaid Hybrid Queen:

Not the only one

Also, would anyone mind if I killed Paul ?

I swear he's gotten louder on purpose

Barbie Klaus:

Go for it


I'm gonna send a photo, then I'm gonna leave the chat

Ian, just remember I love you

Ian, just remember I love you

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Satan left the Chat

Mermaid Hybrid Queen:


Doppelganger Babe:

Congrats ?

I'm not sure if this a good or bad thing, given she just left the chat

Smolder left the Chat

Overprotective Father Daniel:

Well Ian was sat in front of me and Joseph

He has now went and locked himself in the plane bathroom

Took his phone also

Well, that phone call is gonna go swimmingly


Did you know ?

Yeah, she told me a few days ago

She was scared and freaking out about it

Doppelganger Babe:

Might be best you don't tell Ian, you knew his girlfriend was Pregnant before he did


What I miss ?

Since when were you awake  ?


Since Phoebe hit me repeatedly with her travel pillow

I'll scroll up and see what I missed



Damn, I'm never going to sleep again

Turns out, you miss a lot when you do

By the way guys, when they sort this out, I dibs Godmother

Overprotective Father Daniel:

I'm gonna be a grandpa

I'm one proud Father

Barbie Klaus:

Daniel, you need some serious help

Rachel and Eve aren't your children

You have actual children

Enjoy this, a big chapter I have been dying to post coming later on today, I think you are all going to love it 

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