No Excuses

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You sat on the floor of the shoe store, surrounded by several boxes of heavy work boots. Your old shoes were leaning sadly against the checkout counter where you had kicked them off over thirty minutes ago. The frown on your face and the fact that you had resorted to sitting on the floor told a lot about what was happening.

Do you want to try a larger size?" The petite sales girl with the size 'nothing' feet smiled pityingly down at you.
"No. I really don't. But I guess that's what's going to have to happen, now isn't it?" You spat with way more sarcasm than was necessary.

"Well..." She backed up a step uncertainly.
"Hey." You shook your head and twisted your body around to reach out to touch her hand gently. "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. I'm just frustrated. Sorry." You smiled a genuine smile. "Yes, I'll try a larger size in the brown pair."

The sales girl's smile was grateful and you kicked yourself for being so nasty to her. She was only trying to help you. It wasn't her fault you had grown into a size ten shoe at age twelve.

"Oof!" The grunt came an instant before the guy with the curly gray hair tripped over your left foot.
"Ow!" You yelled and yanked your bare foot toward you, grabbing at your bruised toes.
"Sorry!" He regained his balance and with a loud laugh, he squatted down, his face really close to yours.
"Whoa. Back up a little." You gave his knee a little shove to back him away from you.

Apparently the shove was harder than you thought because soon he was falling backwards onto his butt, his feet flying up in the air. Reaching out quickly, you grabbed for his shoulder and yanked him toward you, swiveling him on his butt to keep his head from slamming into the floor. As his curly head landed squarely in your lap, His booted heels swung in the air.

"Hi." You smiled down into his surprised face and fell in love with what you saw.
"Hi." He struggled to push himself up and turned around to face you, sitting cross-legged on the floor.
"That was fun." Your smile widened.
"HAHA! Yes, it was!" His laugh was so loud but you loved it.

Right at that moment the sales girls returned with an awkwardly huge pair of boots for you to try on.

"Please tell me your name." You asked him because once he got a look at the size of those boots there was no way he was hanging around.
"Matt Brown." He grinned and shook your hand and you flinched slightly at the strength of his grip.
"Well, Matt Brown. I have to try on this last pair of boots and I hope they fit. Cuz I'm tired. And I'm hungry. And I'm ready to be done with this shoe-buying adventure."

"No problem. I can wait for you and maybe when you're done I can take you out for lunch."
His blue eyes blinked happily and his grin stayed firmly in place. You cocked your head at him a little and smiled as you tugged the thick boot over your foot.

"Aaaahhhh." You sighed. "Perfect."
"Great!" Matt said and crawled to his feet.
He offered his hand to you to help you stand. As you pulled yourself up, your eyes took inventory of everything you gazed on your way up. Nice trim waist, you thought as your head passed his belt buckle.

Nice muscular chest. Your head came level with his shoulders. Such a sweet smile.
Your mouth rose a little above his mouth but that was ok. Unfortunately, you weren't done yet. By the time your chin was equal to his eyes, you began to silently pray that maybe Matt was still sitting down. No such luck.

Matt stared intently at your chin. You stared intently at the top of his head. The curls were mostly silver and gray although you could see some darkness near the roots. On the top of his head. Sighing, you turned your head and hoped Matt didn't see you rolling your eyes. As you swung your head back and slightly down to face him, you prepared yourself for the expected excuses.

What would be the excuse with this guy you wondered? Because you never heard the simple truth, "you're taller than I'm comfortable with." What you heard instead was such memorable lines such as, "I just remember I have something I need to do." Or, "My phone's buzzing, let me go check it and I'll be right back." Or your personal favorite response from guys who are shorter than you, "UHHHHH."

What you weren't prepared for was the huge smile on his face and the gleam in his eyes.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
"Uhhhh. I still have to pay for these." You stammered and shook your boots at him.
"No problem. I'll wait right here." He stared up into your eyes.

At the register, you kept one eye on Matt as you handed the sales clerk your credit card. You were sure if you took your eyes off of him he would disappear in a puff of smoke. Finishing your business at the counter, you swung your shopping bag over your arm and walked over to where he was standing as calmly and casually as you could. Matt, a perfect gentleman, relieved you of your shopping bag and hefted it over his arm.

"Ready now?" He smiled.
"Yes. I'm ready." Your smile matched his.

You were almost out the door when the feel of the rough door mat scratched at your bare feet. You didn't care. You weren't going to take your eyes off of Matt and you weren't going to waste any more time.

You didn't look away from his bright blue eyes for a second, even when you heard the sales clerk yelling,

"Miss?! You forgot your shoes!"

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