Queen of Hearts

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You sat forward on the queen sized mattress and Matt sat close behind, his legs wrapped around you. The wind and the waves were making you a little sick to your stomach but you didn't want to let him know that. The two of you had been floating for almost an hour just off the shore of Brown town in the frigid Alaskan waters. Nestled comfortably between his legs, you had embarked on the maiden voyage of his hand made boat, the Queen of Hearts.

"Are you too cold?" Matt's lips were on your ear and his hands were on your hips.
"No. I'm not cold." You admitted honestly.

The truth was that snuggled up next to Matt, his body pressed tight to yours, you were feeling everything except cold. Nervous? Yes. You were on an inflated mattress powered by the wind and a large shovel, floating in the ocean. Excited? Oh yes. Every date with Matt was an adventure. Some more wild than others, but always new and fun. Happy? You were always happy when you were with Matt. All he had to do was say your name or smile into your eyes and your heart lifted and soared.

"Too wet?" His knees pressed into the sides of your thighs and you struggled to answer his question without bringing sex into it. With Matt, you were always struggling to keep your hands to yourself and your mind focused. He had told you often that you didn't have to keep your distance; that he was ready and able to handle anything you could dish out. You had laughed and yanked him toward you by his shirt and slammed your lips onto his. Within a half a second Matt had pushed you hard against the wall and returned the kiss with so much passion you thought your head would explode.

"No. I'm fine." You finally pushed away that blazing memory and focused on the foamy waves sloshing high on either side of your queen-sized floating deathtrap.

"HAHA! Is this amazing or what?" Matt shouted as he jiggled your hips with his hands.

"I'm going to have to go with, 'or what!'" You shouted back and Matt laughed even louder.

"This is perfect." He said more quietly and kissed the side of your neck. "I have the queen of my heart floating with me on the "Queen of Hearts."

You weren't that far from shore and the waves weren't really that high. But you were starting to get a little concerned because you knew Matt. And you knew it was only a matter of time before his kisses on your neck would begin traveling down to your shoulder and his arms and legs would tighten around you. You glanced off to the left and tried to gauge the distance to the shore. And true to your prediction, Matt's arm slid around your waist and he buried his head in the soft place between your neck and shoulder.

"No, Matt." You grabbed for the large shovel he used as an oar and twisted it around to begin paddling.

"Why not?" He asked like it was no big deal. "We're all alone out here and it is a queen sized mattress. Plenty of room."

"You have lost your mind and I don't think you're going to find it this time, Matt." You jabbed him in the ribs as you began hauling back on the oar/shovel.

"Nothing wrong with my mind that a few more minutes here with you wouldn't fix." He said and nibbled at your shoulder.

Normally, you would have chucked away the oar and fell happily into Matt's arms. But he hadn't yet seen what you saw. You had to tell him before things got too hot and steamy so you thrust the oar/shovel behind you and he had to grab at it quickly to keep it from falling into the water.

"Do you see this, Matt?" You shrugged your shoulder to get him to raise his head off your neck and look where you were pointing.

"See what?" His voice was muffled and you realized he was trying to snuggle back into your neck again.

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