One World, Founded by People, Surrounded by uniqueness

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We stand here, watching as the people walk pass.

They don't see us. The people are blind.

We start talking.

Nobody hears us. The people are deaf.

We try to make conversation.

They can't focus. They have a lazy eye.

The people try to talk back.

They slip on words. They have lisps.

We respond.

They ask us to repeat. They have Auditory Processing Disorder.

The people say they see numbers and other creatures that aren't there.

They are Schizophrenic.

We live in a world were one disability makes us abnormal. Makes us obsolete. Why do we have to act like it such a big deal? So what if I hiss on s, sh, and c? I have a lisp. So what if my sister gets frustrated easily? She has APD and Bipolar disorder. Does that make me and my sister outcasts? No. We are the way that god made us. So, Gay people were made that way because GOD WANTED YOU THAT WAY. Don't hate on yourself because of disabilities. we all live in one world, surrounded by uniqueness.

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