Letter to my friend

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  • Dedicated to My wifey, Olivia

This is a letter a wrote to my friend for Valentine's Day, for we are each other's Valentine's.

February 11, 2012

Dear Oliva,

Where do I begin with you?

I've known you since we met in kindergarten and you invited me to your birthday party. I remember that the theme was Olivia the pig. Remember Olivie before she went mainstream? Before all the T.V. show crap? Olivia was much better before she went all educational on our asses.

Then I didn't see you for years. I remembered you liked to rub your ear raw while biting your lower lip. I don't even know how I remember that when I can't remember what happened 5 minutes ago.

I saw you for the first time since kindergarten in 6th or 7th grade, I don't remember which. I was estatic even though at first I didn't think it was you. And last year, you became my "wife." Even though I don't like it when you announce it, you call me your wifey.

Now, as I'm writing this, we're skyping, both of us writing letters to each other and being interrupted by your siblings and Tim. You're yelling "It's shtting!" loudly whilst Time is spamming us with his lies. Yes, (mooning) does work on skype. Happy Valentine's Day, love!



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