"It still hurts"

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This guy was trying to spit a nice game but I wasn't having it. I had already caught him in two lies. He was cute in all but my life was in shambles and my heart wasn't ready for all that right now.
Laying in my king size bed with the blankets up to my neck as I watched Pretty Little Liars on my laptop. I wasn't planning on moving from this spot all day. Work had me drained. Looking at my laptop screen I tried to keep my eyes open. But eventually Pretty Little Liars was watching me.


The room is pitch black and I am scared to move. Building the confidence to finally take one-step, hands reached out in front of me as I feel around. After bumping into what felt like the corner of a table I made my way towards the door. Turning the doorknob, I peeked around to see if I could see anybody. I sensed that something was wrong I just did not know exactly what it was. That is when I heard her scream his name. My heart instantly dropped and I took off down the foggy street. I could hear the screaming, everybody was screaming. I turn around to see him lying on the ground, blood everywhere. Trying to catch my breath but at that moment it felt like somebody was suffocating me with a plastic bag. I start running faster so that I could be by his side. However, it was as if the faster I ran and the closer I thought I was to his body it all just seemed to be further and further away. Run faster I told myself, while screaming at the top of my lounges for somebody to help me; help him. HELP! HELP!

Hearing my phone rang woke me up, I turned over and just laid in bed too paralyzed from that bad dream to even reach over and answer my phone. It's as if I wish I could have been there to save him. My whole life had changed because of that night. More than anything in the world, all I wanted was to have him back, to feel his touch and listen to his soft whispers of how much he loved me. Knowing that was a thing of the past caused my heart to ache and tears started running down my face. Bringing my shirt up I used it to wipe the tears away. Once I gained the the strength to finally get up, I made my way to the kitchen so that I could find me something to eat. I hated the way those dreams came and went but for the most part they were slowly going away.

Sitting in my living room with a plate of spaghetti and a slice of garlic bread. My eyes was locked on my 52 inch tv. I could never get tired of seeing Parent Trap. It filled me with memories of my childhood when everything was easy and I didnt have a care in the world. From playing in the dirt, to running in the house from the summer rain.

Placing my plate on the round glass table I then grabbed my phone and notice I had a Facebook message.

Jaquez Lewis: hey beautiful how is your day going?
Me: I'm good

I kept it short and simple because he just seemed so full of it.

Jaquez Lewis: That's good, you should FaceTime me sometime.

Laughing out loud at him because he tried but instantly my mind shifted to that dream I just had. Maybe moving on was for the better and who knows he probably could keep my mind off of things. Deciding to take a chance I sent him my number.

*ring, ring, ring*

Looking down at my phone at the unsaved number. I knew it wasn't nobody but him calling me. I honestly didn't have a drop of excitement inside me. Apart of me felt like it was wrong for me to even talk to somebody else. But instead of throwing myself a pity party like I always do I decided to slide my finger across the screen on my phone to answer the FaceTime.

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