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I packed up all my stuff from the room. Looking at Connor still whining on the bed.

Joey: Connor! Get your ass up. Troye will be back in a week.

I jumped on his bed, playfully slapping his arm.

Connor: But I miss my TroTro already.

Joey: Oh stop it. Its barley been 3 hours since you dropped him off.

Connor: Easy for you to say. Daniel lives 10 minutes away from you.

Joey: True. Well I guess I'll leave you alone to mope around and live a sad and depressed life.

Connor: Your best and closest friend is depressed and your going to do nothing about it?

I sarcastically smiled at him as I got off his bed.

Joey: yes and oh By the way, I got you a coffee this morning if you want it.

I pointed to the counter seeing Connors eyes light up like a child. He quickly ran out of bed almost falling from the pace he was going. He grabbed the hot cup and slowly began to drink it.

Connor: Coffee makes everything better.

Joey: I'm going to put my stuff in my car I'll see you in five.

I grabbed my bag heading out the room. I saw Daniel exit his to.

Daniel: Oh hello.

Joey: Hi.

He intertwined our fingers as we walked to the elevator.

Daniel: Wait, so what are we doing?

Joey: Putting my bag into the car and coming back here to comfort Connor.

Daniel: Alright.

We walked into the elevator.

Daniel: I'll grab this.

He grabbed my bag.

Joey: I'll carry it.

I whined like a child. Making my bottom lip come out just slightly.

Joey: I'm a big boy!

Daniel: No you're just a fetus! You can barley walk Now jump on my back.

Joey: Are you serious?

Daniel: Yah. Jump on.

I smirked as I jumped on his back. Wrapping my legs around his waist. He adjusted me so I wouldn't fall off.

Daniel: There you go.

I kissed his head as the elevator doors began to slide open revealing the lobby. He walked us to my car getting weird glares from people. I shook it off not caring a bit if we looked stupid.

Daniel: Unlock the trunk.

I did as he said him bending down with me still on his back putting the bag in the trunk.

Daniel: Alright. Now to comfort Connor.

He walked back inside and into the elevator and into my room. Connor sighed when he saw us come in.

Connor: You guys are so weird.

Joey: Not as weird as the kinks you and Troye have. He blushed and looked down.

Connor: Do you have to bring Troye into everything?

Daniel threw me onto the bed him hovering over me.

Joey: Do you have to bring my relationship into everything?

He scoffed as he buried his head into the pillows. Daniel placed 5 kisses to my lips and cuddled up to my side.

Connor: Uh please don't tell me you guys are going to have sex in here? I don't want the room to smell like cum when we leave.

I threw a pillow at Connor. He rubbed his head and gave a me a death glare.

3rd person POV

Joey and Daniel were now home. Joey sitting on his couch as Daniel paced around Joeys living room. Ranting.

Daniel: Nobody is going to like my blog! I'm a horrible writer why did I even do this?

Joey: They're going t-

Daniel: they're going to hate it! I'm a flop!

Joey laughed slightly at Daniels choice of words.

Joey: Your not a flop.

Dani: Yes I am! I am a total flop! I'm tra-

Joey pulled Daniel onto the couch placing his thumb over Daniels soft plump lips shutting him up. They stared deeply in each others eyes. Lost. Daniel slowly pulled his lovers thumb from his mouth. Joey Faintly smiled.

Joey: They're going to love it.
He says in almost a whisper as he watches Daniels eyes flash from his eyes to his lips and back again. Daniel begins to lean in closing his eyes as he is pulling Joeys waist closer to him. There lips touch. Joey wraps his arms around Daniels neck. Bringing them closer so there is no more space between them. After what seemed like hours of kissing they pulled away. Joey resting his head on Daniels shoulders.

Daniel: I missed this. I missed you. A lot.

Joey smiled at the words that left Daniels lips. Feeling his cheeks get warmer and red.

Joey: I love you.

Daniel: You don't have to say I Love You to say I Love You.


I'm sorry I tried making this chapter good but idk how I feel about it. Oh well fuck it!. 😝😄 so normally I get in these moods where I really want to read Coey or Jonnor Fanfictions. (Connor Franta and Joey Graceffa) but I can never find one. So for you Old Jonnor shippers would you like me for me to possibly write one????? :P

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