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vfv Joey

Daniel: So.

I sighed and looked over and stared into Daniels eyes. I half smiled and looked away again.

Joey: So.

Daniel: I'm sorry.

Joey: you've said that like 3 times already but It's alright.

Daniel: I want this relationship to work. I love you. A lot.

He placed his hand on my thigh. I then placed my right hand ontop of his.

Joey: I want it to work too.

He smiled at me. His eyes filled with sorrow.

Joey: I'm sorry what I said earlier. About our first kiss and everything. It was a jerk move and I didn't mean it.

Daniel: It's alright. One of the reasons why you never act when your mad.

Joey: Yah. I guess so.

Daniel: Do you want to start over? Fresh.

Joey: Yah. I would like that.

Daniel: Non of this shit happened alright?

We both laughed.

Joey: Alright.


Joey: Oh my god.

Connor: Troye the point of eaves dropping is to stfu!

Troye: Sorry.

Connor: You guys can have makeup sex now. We won't bother you.

We heard there footsteps soon fading away.

Daniel: Want to?

Joey: Daniel!! When they leave.

He smirked as I grabbed his hand. I opened the door and pulled him down the stairs. I saw Troye an Connor staring at us.

Joey: It's official, Daniel and I are still boyfriends.

Connor: we heard.

Daniel: No shit.

We sat on the couch next to Connor and Troye. Daniel grabbed my hand.

Troye: Come on Connor. We have to leave them alone. It's there makeup time.

Connor: Uh! fine.

They both got up and walked over to the door which I assumed they left.

Daniel: Want to watch a mo-

I cut Daniel off by slamming my lips on his. He immediately kissed back. Our lips moved in sync as Daniel moved me so I was now sitting on his lap. He rubbed his hands up and down my thighs. Our makeout session soon came to an end.

Connor: Is this how you guys act when were not around?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE INNOCENT JOSEPH! Oh wait I walked in on you guys about to have sex never mind that.

I jumped off Daniel, startled.

Joey: Why are you guys still in my house?

Connor: I forgot the keys!

Joey: Oh.

I looked over at the spot Connor was sitting at. I grabbed his keys and threw them to him.

Joey: Make sure to lock the door.

Connor: Yah yah. Just make sure you don have sex in front of wolf and storm.

Joey: alright.

I watched this time as Connor left my house and closed the door.

Joey: How about that movie??

Daniel: I'm down.

Joey: Go pick one.

Daniel got up and immediately chose a movie. He handed it to me without looking. Oblivious of the fact that he just chose the devils child, 50 shades of grey.

Joey: Are you sure you want to watch this movie?

Daniel: I picked a random one. Which one is it?

I gave him the movie and started laughing as his face turned red.

Daniel: Oh. Hell no. Why do you even haw this movie!?

Joey: Long story short, my sister played a joke on me and got me this for Christmas.

Daniel: we'll then. You choose a movie!

Joey: Fine.

I went over to the cabinet putting the movie back. I grabbed the movie I wanted to watch.

The Notebook.

I put the movie on and sat next to Daniel. I laid my head on his shoulder and looked at the screen.

Daniel: What movie did you out in?

I looked up at him and smiled

Joey: Guess.

The introduction started. The sun over the water and the calming music playing.

Daniel: Omg I love this movie so much!

Joey: Shhh.

Throughout the whole movie I could feel Daniels eyes glancing at me. I felt uncomfortable but ignored it. The movie was about to end when Daniel placed his hand on my thigh. Higher than usual.

Allie: Do you think our love can create miracles?

I tried to concentrate but Daniels hand was driving me crazy. I took a deep breathe. The movie ended and the credits started playing. I got up to take the movie out but Daniel pulled me back down.

Daniel: It'll turn off soon. Just leave it.

I turned to Daniel. He was already staring at me.

Joey: Perverted freak.

Daniel: Hey. I'm not the one who attacked my lips when Connor and Troye left.

Joey: Oh shush.

I felt Daniel place a kiss just under my ear.

Daniel: Come on.

Joey: I'm tired though. I want to go to bed.

Daniel: It's barley 9. You normally go to bed at 2.

Joey: Ya that was before I started staying up later crying myself to sleep because a certain someone left me

Daniels face dropped.

Joey: I'm sorry.

Daniel: It's not your fault. Come on.

Daniel picked me up bridal style and carried us to the bedroom. He dropped me on the bed and fell next to me. I took my jacket and jeans off and got under the covers.

Joey: Are you staying tonight. We'll it's not a question anymore. stay.

Daniel: If you insist.

Daniel took his clothes off leaving him in just his briefs. He smirked knowing I was staring at him. He got under the covers and pulled me closer to him. he ran his thumb up and down my arm and then kissed my cheek.

Joey: You know what. Fuck it.

In one swift movement I was now on top of Daniel and my lips were moving against his.

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