Chapter 2

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I took a few tentative steps foward, surveying the area as best I could with only my flashlight.

The massive trunks of hundreds of trees and their leaves completely enveloped me in darkness, blocking out any light the sun had to offer. Several times I thought I heard a twig snap from afar, causing me to jump with alarm and crouch down in the shadows, hiding from whatever I thought I heard.

All I needed to do was retrace our steps from earlier, and try to spot the small braclet somewhere on the ground. Easier said than done.

My task also involved me needing to find the old well again. About half an hour later, I caught sight of a strange hulk in the distance. I squinted, straining my eyes to see through the darkness. Although it was covered in moss and leaves from years of neglect, I managed to make out the faint shape of the well, thanks to a single golden ray of evening sun shining through a gap in the canopy of leaves above.

As I reached the well, I slumped down against its stone edge and let out a distraught sigh.

So far, no luck in my search for my bracelet. I had probably passed over it accidentally because of the dim light my flashlight was projecting. I was beginning to run out of hope.

I put my head back against the hard stone of the well and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, a loud snap! echoed somewhere in my proximity. I jerked up, my senses alert and attentive to my surroundings. "Who's there?" I asked nervously.

As I expected, no reply. I sat there, my eyes wide, waiting.

Just then, I heard a rustling from behind me. I stilled.

Another noise sounded.

There was definitely something watching me. I turned slowly, peering around the corner of the well.

And what I saw... Right in front of me...

I screamed.

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