Chapter 5

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He halted in his tracks, but didn't turn to look at me. I suddenly wished I hadn't asked that question. Was it too imposing?

He cleared his throat, and said, "I might as well tell you, I suppose, as you are going to need something to call me for the time being." He threw a glance back at me. "I am called Avari. I am the chief gaurdian of Medeis, dedicating every waking hour to protect the Queen and the Tree of-" He broke off mid-sentence, his mouth snapping shut.

Clearly, he was just about to tell me something important, and apparently, secret. I studied his face. There was something off about him- a tired, melancholy feeling swimming in those dark blue eyes... As if he was harboring a dark, horrible weight on his shoulders.

A few awkward moments passed, and Avari said not unkindly, "You still have yet to tell me your name."

My brows shot up in surprise. I didn't think he particularly cared who he was having to escort through the forest- who was too weak to protect their own self. "Oh, um... Violet." I said. "Violet Evans." He gave a small nod, saying nothing.

"So the creatures here... What are they like?" I asked, partly in fear of my wellbeing.

"Most of them are like me, but there are others from different families- nymphs, dijns, dwarves, etc." Avari replied simply, as if that was a perfectly normal thing to say.

"Ok then," I began slowly, "So what exactly are you? An elf?" That earned me a chuckle from Avari. "We are called Faeries," He said. "With magic in our blood, we have prolonged life and stronger senses, and we each have access to a unique ability- or power- to ourselves. On the contrary, elves are quite small, magicless, and quite mischievous. We are definitely not elves."

That was alot to take in. Nymphs? Dijn? Elves and dwarves? Faeries? What was this place?

A short while later, after I had pulled my long, raven black hair into a messy ponytail and could see brief flashes of silver from the moon through the gaps in the trees, Avari hushed me. Motioning for me to come closer to him, he whispered, "We are approaching Medeis. Although most will be asleep at this hour, it would be best for you to stay close to me. Many do not take well to humans; it will be quite a surprise for them to see one here."

"I thought you said you and your people take in humans all the time- the law instructs it," I started.

"No, I said we take in creatures of any kind," He rehashed solemnly, "We haven't seen a human here in Medeis for a long time. In fact, the last humans to step foot in these parts caused a great deal of death and destruction centuries ago. So, like I said, stay close to me. The creatures here might not be so welcoming."

His quick story of the humans here long ago intrigued me, but my intrest was trumped by the angst left by the mention of the inhospitable creatures I was about to meet. A chill went down my spine. Violet, what have you gotten yourself into? I thought anxiously.

I met Avari's eyes and nodded. "Let's go." I said decisively. He pushed back some brambles and leaves and stepped through the gap. I followed. As I was brushing of the dirt from my clothes, I looked up and gasped.

There was a huge clearing before me, the trees forming a wide circle around the area and stretching so far into the distance I couldn't see the other side. A sparkling river was running through the ground, the water dancing around outlying trees and rocks. Small and twinkling colored lights floated above the stiller parts of the water, but I couldn't quite figure out what they were in the dim light of the moon. A weeping willow was swaying in a soft breeze, its tips gently brushing the rushing water beneath.

The light from millions of stars in the night sky cast a silvery glow upon the small houses and gardens situated next to the river. They were not ordinary houses though. There were houses too short for any normal-sized human to fit in, houses with oddly shaped roofs, and houses painted in so many bright and colorful shades it almost seemed to resemble a rainbow.

It was breathtaking. Perhaps one of the most stunningly beautiful places I had ever laid eyes on. I looked up at Avari to find him watching me. "It's amazing," I said in awe, "This is Medeis?" He nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "Yes. It's been here as long as I can remeber- serving as a haven for all magical creatures."

It was then that I realized that no other signs of life seemed to be present. Everything was quiet and still. "Where are the other creatures you told me about?" I asked cautiously.

He paused. "Ah, yes. Two nights ago was the annual Sun and Moon festival, where all of Medeis stays awake throughout the brightest of day and the darkest of night to worship the gods. Most now, even the night creatures, will be sleeping."

Gods? I thought in wonder. "Did you go to the festival?" I questioned Avari. A dark looked crossed his face, his mouth forming a grim line. "I had my own duties to attend to." He spoke gravely.

We continued on, walking along a dirt path surrounded by the strange houses, but never stopping.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"To the castle. You will sleep there for tonight," Avari replied. "Because you are human, it would be best for you to stay there under the protection of the castle's strong walls instead of here in the village, where anyone could harm you if they please. Anyway, you would probably be quite frightened by all of the creatures here."

Well that was reassuring.

The row of houses soon ended and beautiful flowers began to lace the sides of the dirt path instead. I could see the distant figure of a castle rising from the ground, beckoning me toward it.

Several moments later, we reached the top of a hill and the full magnitude of the castle came into view. My jaw dropped open.

Avari broke the silence. "That, Violet, is the Castle of Medeis, home to Queen Lamoria."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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