Chapter 1: Massage

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(Y/N) slowly opens her eyes, glaring at the ceiling. Sun rays bounced off the mirrors and into the off-white walls. She shifts to look at her husband. He's not there. Like always. She grunts softly before pushing herself out of bed. Only to roll on the floor, still wrapped in the white blankets. "Fuuuuuu......" She squirms in the covers. "Uhhh...Food.." (Y/N) groans. Her stomach starts to growl like a hungry tiger. "Food, water, atmosphere!" She crawls out of the burrito blankets, completely ignoring the fact that they are still on the marble floor.

After she devoured the waffles that were left for her, (Y/N) walks back up the grand stairway. "I feel like I'm forgetting something... OH! Right the massage!" She rushes up the stairs and into the long and large hallway. (Y/N) reaches the end of the hallway, or her bedroom and opens it. She passes her bed, still ignoring the neglected blankets and into the walk-in closet. "Ok, nothing too wow! Just casual.." She walks up and down the closet. "Why can't I find casual clothing!" She failed to notice the short pale rose sweater in front of her.

"Oh! I forgot I had this!" She throws on the sweater, black pants and pink combat boots. She put of her black beanie she got in high school. (This polyvore outfit belongs to my friend in real life louitomlinson91 )

She took a quick spin in front of the mirror before grabbing her rosy-shaded sunglasses, metallic pink backpack, and phone. "Wait, my car keys are....? Oh god damn it! Erwin that fucking asshole.." (Y/N) turns on her phone, revealing her home screen. It was a picture of Erwin and her at her high school graduation. Yes, Erwin was 27 in this picture while she was 18. (Y/N) was cupping his face while picked her up by the waist, both had big grins on their faces. She sighs sadly, before calling a Lyft driver to pick her up.

The ring of a little bell catches the attention of a woman in her 40s. She lifts her head to who could be there. "Tch, Levi! You're late again!"
"Sorry Mom. Petra and I got into another argument.." Mikasa walks in, holding pure white towels.
"That's a sign.." Mikasa mutters. Levi shoots a glare at his little sister.
"Quiet little Ackerman!" He hisses.
"I'm taller than you..." She snaps back.
"Stop it! Mikasa, get back to work, Levi, make yourself presentable! I don't want to hear a peep out of you two!" Kuchel intervenes, making the siblings scoff.
"Yes Mom.." They say in unison.
"Hey! Not a peep!"

(Y/N) walks into the family-ran-business, looking around the small area. Her shoulders slumps a bit, the scent of cinnamon apple tingling her senses. "Welcome to Freedom of Roses- Oh my god.. (Y/N)!" The singer forces a smile, she didn't want to be disturbed by fans or the paparazzi today. "I'm sorry, I'm just a fan... Anyway, here is your towel," Mikasa mutters and hands (Y/N) a hot towel. (Y/N) offers her a smile and mutters a thank you.

(Y/N) lays on the tough massage table, holding her towel firmly against her naked glory. She hears gentle knocking on the door. "Hello, I'm Levi Ackerman. Your masseur. Are you ready for your massage?"  (Y/N) grunts.

"Yes, sir..." He enters the room, (Y/N) takes a peek at him. "You don't have to keep up that act. I know it's policy..." She smiles at him. Levi's face slightly falls before letting out a 'tch'. Levi oils his hands with a cherry blossom oil. He walks up to the singer. He places his slender fingers on her (S/T) back, making her tense up.

"Oi, quit tensing up! Just relax..." Levi says, digging his fingers into her shoulder blades. (Y/N) takes in a deep breath, her shoulders slumping a bit. He smirks a bit, "What brings Little Miss (Y/N) to our humble service?"

(Y/N) grunts, "Well.. Paparazzi... My husband..." Levi scoffs and mutters something inaudible.

"My wife and my sister love your music.." Levi continues to rub her shoulders, making (Y/N) grin.

"I didn't except you to be married.." (Y/N) states, turning her head to look at the short male.

"I impregnated her in high school.. The baby didn't even survive," Levi says, moving his hands down her spine.

"I'm sorry for your loss..."

"It doesn't bother me as much as it used to," He pauses before continuing, "besides, we were too young and my uncle beat my ass about it."  (Y/N) looks at him, giggling. "What's so funny?"

"You look too stubborn to be beaten," (Y/N) giggles softly. Levi's gunmetal eyes soften at the sight of the singer showing some form of happiness. She opens her eyes, revealing the sparkles glowing with the (E/C) color.

"Oh shut up and let me continue!" Levi hisses as (Y/N) giggles while muttering apologies.

He told (Y/N) to turn around and she did so. "(Y/N), what about your bushy eyebrowed husband?" She bursts out laughing, holding her hand against her heart. That was the first time she's laughed in a year. "Was it that funny?"

"No one has the balls to say that!" (Y/N) continues laughing.

The massage ended quicker than expected. Levi walks to a small black table and picks up something. "I enjoyed our conversation Mrs. Smith. If you need someone to talk to, here's my number," he smirks, handing her his card.

"I think I will, Mr. Ackerman." He smiles and leaves the room.

(Y/N) places the card on her lips, debating if she should call him tonight or tomorrow morning.

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