Chapter 2: Be Alright

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Warning: Strong language, sexual content.

Levi grunts, closing the door to his small
apartment. On the plush brown couch sits his ginger-haired wife, tapping her foot impatiently. "Well?" Petra asks. Levi groans into his hands.

"I was out drinking with the guys, Farlan, and Isabel. Not cheating," He says, putting down his bag on the dark wood table. Petra looks at him unsure.

"Hn," She huffs and walks to the kitchen. "So, how was work?"

"(Y/N) (L/N) came in today," Levi says, running a hand through his soft raven locks. Petra perks up, smiling broadly.

"As in THE (Y/N) (L/N)??" Petra asks, her smile almost splitting her face.

"Who else would I be talking about? The pope?" Levi says, glancing at Petra. She rolls her eyes and snorts. Levi grunts as he sits himself down on the leather couch. She smiles at him and sits down on the empty seat.

"You know I still love you," Petra says, hugging his arm. He tenses up slightly, his shoulders became stiff. Amber eyes gaze at his abnormal behavior. "Levi, are you okay?" A chime and vibrations fills the once silent room.  All coming from Levi's work bag.

Laying in the plush bed, (Y/N) waits and waits until Levi picks up the phone. A breathy sigh leaves her mouth, pressing the red button. Closing the call until later. The bed further sinks when a 202 pound man lays down next to her. She sighs softly, rotating her body towards her husband. Her slender fingers draws out an his cheek bones, his face scrunching up a bit before a peaceful expression washes over his face. 

"How was work today?" (Y/N) asks Erwin, now playing with his eyebrows. His large hands rise up and seizes her slim wrist. Coldness engulfs the young singer.

Dishonest, unfaithful, panic.

"It was fine,"


"How was yours?" Erwin slightly cups her soft cheeks with his hands. She closes her eyes, shifting her head away from the blonde.

"It was okay.. I suppose."

I met a super hot guy today.

Both couldn't help, but to think about what the other is doing. Levi listens to the voicemails (Y/N) had left him after she called. Petra rests peacefully next to him on the bed. Pushing himself off the bed, he silently walks away. He walks down the lone and dark hall, holding his phone. He walks pass the forbidden room. His piercing gray eyes look at the door, his pale hand grasping the brass doorknob.

In the room, baby toys occupy the living space. It is painted a soft yellow with little animal designs on the top. A white crib sits there in the corner, collecting dust. The selves are decorated with books and crayons, both collecting dust. Levi lowers his head, a shadow casting over his eyes. He could nearly hear his child giggling with joy, crying for attention, and their first words.

His phone lights up and vibrates in his hand. Levi looks away from the room to his phone. He lets it ring for a while, he'll just wait for the voicemail. "Hey Levi... It's me (Y/N), call me back once you get this message. Good night."

(Y/N) softly sighs, she was envious to how peaceful her husband can sleep. He sleeps without a worry in the world. She sinks under the blankets, tracing his waist. (Y/N) pulls down his boxers, his manhood comes limping out. It may be a little small, but he was quite thick.

Erwin's thick eyebrows furrows and he slowly wakes up. "(Y/N), stop."

"Shut up and take it, Erwin. This is the only time you're getting laid."

Levi continues to stare at his phone. A heavy feeling in his heart as he sits down on the rocking chair. The feeling of holding a fragile human had been taken away. Being called "Dada" was taken away. And for what reason? Because Petra fell down a  set of stairs. He couldn't blame her, she was heavily pregnant and each step she took was a waddle. His usually somber eyes holds sadness as they start to droop.

"Dada! Look at me! I'm a princess!" She smiles, spinning in her Elsa sleeping gown. Levi puts on a scowl. "It's bedtime, kid. I don't want your mother biting my ass about letting you stay up."
"Everything's gonna be alright!" She grins. Slowly the happy atmosphere turns dare. Fog was draped over the city as Levi walks the grassland. He passes many tombstones before stopping at a certain one. Her first name was blurred, and her date of birth. His daughter laid six feet under, resting. 'Everything's gonna be alright!' Her innocent voice floods his mind.

Sun rays pokes through the small room, dust dances around the sleeping man. He stirs a bit as a cold feeling washes over face. His cheek more specifically. On the side of him sits a pale seven year old girl, cupping his cheek. She has long ginger colored hair and gray eyes. A ghostly aura surrounded her porcelain like body. She smiles,

"Everything's gonna be alright"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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