chapter 17

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I walked into the locker room I shared with Roman with a smile on my face. I felt good about the conversation with Kelsey. She remembered most of last night and that was huge. But she was afraid I would leave again. She just never understood why I had left before. Hell, I didn't understand until I heard about Sheamus last night and for a guy like me, it was an odd realization. I was in love with Kelsey and it had scared me but not anymore. I wasn't going to hide from it this time. This time I was going to fight for it. If it took me years or days, I didn't care, I would fight.

"Why are you so smiley today?" Roman said as I began rummaging through my bag.

"Nothing," I said, trying to keep the smile off my face.

I found my jeans for tonight's show and started digging for my shirt when I froze. I had been in a hurry to pack this morning and I had just grabbed a bunch of what I had thought was my clothes and threw it in my bag. I heard Roman start laughing and that's when I realized he was standing right behind me. "So, that's the reason your smiling. You don't need to say anything, bro. I can see you and Kelsey had a great night last night," Roman said.

I felt a heat flush my cheeks and back of my neck as I shoved the white lace bra back into my bag. "Shut up," was all I could say back.

Roman patted me on the back. "Its about time brother. I've been wondering how long it would take you guys to realize your both into each other."

I ran a hand over my face and pulled out a merchandise t-shirt for the show tonight. "Roman, there's nothing going on. We're not a couple so don't get any ideas."

I pulled on my jeans and pulled the t-shirt over my head as Roman finished putting on his vest. "Ok, whatever you say man. But you and Kelsey had sex! That means something."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the tape to begin taping up my hands. "We were both drunk. It happened besides she needed someone after what I found out about Sheamus."

Roman stopped moving around and glanced at me. "What about Sheamus?"

I sighed. Roman looked at Kelsey like a little sister and had grown protective of her over the years. I knew he would want to spear the crap out of Sheamus if I told him but at the same time, I wanted to beat the crap out of him too. "He ditched Kelse last night for Becky. I overheard Rusev and Wade talking about how he had just been trying to get in her pants Cuz she was new and he liked watching me get upset about it."

Roman's hands flexed and I could see the pissed off expression spread throughout his features. This was the scary Roman and I knew that Kelsey didn't need this right now. Roman headed for the door but I stepped in his path.

"Move, Ambrose," came his frustrated voice.

"No, Ro, Kelsey don't need that. She's already in a bad spot. If Kelsey asks you to take care of it, then fine but right now is not the right time."

Roman seemed to relax a bit as he thought about it. He shook his head in a yes fashion as my words soaked in. After a few minutes, he looked at me and smirked. "Kelsey changed you man. Not sure how but sleeping with her did you good," he said.

I looked at him confused. How? I don't feel any different. "What do you-"

I was cut off by Roman beginning to sing, "Kelsey and Dean sitting in a tree..."

I turned and walked out. Not this again. I wasn't in the mood. I made my way down the hallways. I told Kelsey I would be there for her and I was sure Sheamus would try to talk to her again. I knew she wasn't ready for that yet. I rounded a corner and stopped dead in my tracks. Half way down the hall stood Sheamus and Kelsey. She was alone with him and there weren't any other superstars or crew members in the area. I mentally slapped myself for not trying to get back to her sooner. Now she was in the exact situation that she had wanted to avoid.

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