Chapter 25

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Mayday by Cam

I walked through the arena that night feeling a bit fed up. I had lost my match to the new comer, Dana Brooke, and I was still upset about the stuff with Dean. I ripped the tape off of my hands as I walked the hall. How could I let her win? What was I going to do about Dean? I was more than fed up. I was looking for a fight.

"Hey, pumpkin," a British voice said as they caught up to me. I didn't respond as I continued to walk the hall. "Don't worry about it. Dana is a tough girl to beat."

"You know what, Paige, I don't care. I'm going to beat her. I was distracted tonight but next time, she better be ready," I replied.

Paige took a step away from me. My tone had been rude and maybe a bit uncalled for but tonight I didn't care. "Who pissed in your cereal this morning?" Paige asked.

"I'm not in the mood, Paige. Excuse me, I need to change so I can go back to the hotel before I head home tomorrow."

I left Paige standing dumbfounded in the hallway. I had never once been rude to her in the past. Heck, I'm hardly ever rude to anyone but with so much on my plate tonight, I was bound to snap. I quickly changed and grabbed my bag, determined to leave the arena before SmackDown was even done. I just wanted to be alone before I completely came unglued.

I walked down the hall, receiving a few glances from some of the other superstars before I exited the arena. The hotel was five blocks away and the night air was cool on my skin, making me realize that this walk may be the best thing to happen to me. I stopped and took a deep breath and sighed, closing my eyes for a moment.

"Kelsey, where are you going?" I heard a gruff voice behind me as the door to the arena slammed shut.

I groaned, hoping to get out before being caught by anyone. "To the hotel," I replied without turning around.

"Are you going to be with him?" Dean asked, venom dripping from his voice and I knew exactly who he meant; Cesaro.

I felt my patience wearing extremely thin. "Not that it's anything to you, no."

"Then why do you need to go back there?"

You are overbearing; I'm not in love

But I don't wanna tell you

We've been contemplating how to give it up

But I can't convince you

We've been hopelessly holding too tight

When we don't even need to

And as the water fills this sinking ship

I know we have to leave too

My patience had run out and Dean was going to be my backlash. "Because I need to be alone right now. I've had a shitty day and I got a lot on my mind. What's on my mind you ask? Hmmm, let's see, I lost a match to a newbie because I was distracted by the way you have been treating me. One second your hot the next your cold. You use me everything I'm around you and I'm fed up, Dean. I'm done being your second choice. I'm done being your friend. I'm done hanging on to every moment we have ever shared because it always ends up the same."

Mayday, mayday

This is an emergency

Mayday, mayday

You've gotta let me leave

I'm laying here, inches away

But you can't hear me call mayday, yeah, yeah


"No, don't 'Kelse' me. You listen here, womanizer. I'm done being a toy to you. I'm done being a game. I'm done with you messing with my head and my feelings. I'm just done. I've held on for too long and do you see what it's gotten me? Hmmm? That's right nothing."

Said I'm moving on, cause things were getting rough

But here I am in your bed

I strung it on too long, afraid to be alone

Now we're in over our heads

It's either sink or swim, we've tried so many times

For worse or for better

It tears my heart in two to leave it all behind

And say goodbye forever

"Kelsey, just stop and listen to me."

"No! You stop and listen to me, Dean. I want nothing to do with you. Got it?"

Mayday, mayday

This is an emergency

Mayday, mayday

You've gotta let me leave

I'm laying here, inches away

But you can't hear me call mayday, yeah, yeah

Dean grabbed me and kissed me hard. At first, I relished in the feel of his lips on mine. His tongue locked my lips, asking for entrance but that was when I came back to reality. I pushed Dean away with all my might and slapped him hard across the face. Dean grabbed the side of his face as I turned and began walking through the parking lot, pulling my bag farther up on my shoulder.

Oh, you gotta let me leave

Oh, the weight will make us sink

Oh, could you please help me leave?

Oh, abandon ship with me

I was done with the games he has been playing with my head and my heart. If he can't come out and tell me how he feels when we both already know, then it's time for me to move on. It's time for Kelsey Jean Campbell to focus on herself. It's time to stop letting others be the center of my world when I'm not the center of theirs. It's time for a new Kelsey.

I glanced down at my trusty boots as I walked through the door to the hotel. It was time for me, and as I stepped on the elevator and pushed the button to my floor, I felt a smile creep onto my face. It was game time. It was Kelsey time with my trusty leather boots...

***So, I know I didn't give much warning but this is the last chapter of Head Over Boots but don't worry, there is a book 2 that I will be uploading in a few called Boots on ,Game on. Thank you to everyone that has read this book and all the votes and comments. It made me realize I want to turn this into a series. There will be 3 or 4 books. I haven't decided exactly how many I want to do. I will be uploading the book in a little bit after I finish it up so make sure to watch for it. I will update on here when I get it up!***

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