Chapter One: Surpise!

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Jacob's POV

School. Basically another part of my day that is basically a living hell. Everyday is the same at school. I get verbally and physically abused because of who I am. You think it's my personality? Sadly, no. It's because of my sexuality. I came out as gay in my freshmen year. I wouldn't say I was a nobody, but I also wouldn't say I was popular. I had a good amount of friends but that all changed as soon as I came out. Day by day, more people would leave me and ignore me and then others would call me a "fag."

I ended up with no friends other than my best friend who has been with me ever since the fifth grade. Michele supports for who I am and she tries to be with my everyday but with our schedules, it gets hard.

I walked into school with my headphones inlistening to Shawn Mendes and my head down facing the floor, prepared for the usual comments. Once I reached my locker I put by bag away and grabbed my textbook and binder ready to head to Calculous. I may be bullied and beaten up everyday, but that doesn't mean I don't take school seriously.

"Good morning fag." A familiar voice said as I ran into someone dropping all my stuff and all my papers flying out of my binder. "Oh, did the nerd drop his stuff?" He said once again.

I looked up to see Kaden staring down at me with a smirk. As I tried to collect my things together, Kaden kicked my binder and textbook away.

"Oh I'm not done with you yet. We have yet to start our fun." Kaden said right before kicking my in the stomach. I yelped in pain falling down to the floor.

"Please stop." I begged while trying to get back up but once again was kicked in the stomach.

"I didn't give you permission to speak fag." Kaden replied as he kicked me in my stomach once more. He got down on his knees hit me in the face with his forearm and I yelped in pain once again before covering my face with my arms.

After a few more punches to me face and more of my groaning, a bell rang and he stood up from his spot.

"You got lucky fag. I'll see you later." Kaden said before walking away to his class. The crowd watching my started to disappear as I lay on the floor in pain and crying. I slowly stood up and grabbed everything before walking into bathroom just as the bell rang.

I looked at myself through the mirror seeing my bruised face and bloody nose. I washed off the blood on my face and grabbed tissues to help stop the bleeding. I walked into the stall to see my bruised and bleeding stomach. When he kicked me, he probably reopened scars from me cutting myself. I ignored the bleeding and just sat down on the floor crying.

Why does my life suck this much? Why does no one accept me for who I am? Why can't I just live a normal life? The school wouldn't care if I was dead but I'm only staying alive for three people.

Michele, my best friend. She's been with me through everything. From me complaining about school work to her letting me cry on her shoulder. I owe her so much and I have to repay her in some way.

My mom. She's been my inspiration and has sacrificed so much of her time to help keep a roof over my head and food on the table. Where's my dad you ask? He died in an accident when I was ten, and I can't help myself but feel to blame for his death. After his death, my mom knew we couldn't live with just her small job, so she started working more jobs everyday and even night shifts just to be able to pay for bills and to give me stuff I don't deserve. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't haven't to be working this hard. I'm just annoying her with all the expenses I add to her already tight budget.

After spending enough time in the bathroom, I grabbed all my things and made my way to class. I opened the door mid lesson and looked at my teacher, Mrs. Imai.

"Mr. Brentwood, would you care to explain why you're fifteen minutes late to class?" Mrs. Imai said looking at me. I shook my head and she sighed in response. "Okay, well please take a seat and start taking notes." I walked to my seat and sighed.


After school ended, I walked to the parking lot looking around to find Michele, who isn't that hard to find because of her baby blue ford truck. I walked to her truck as she gave my a wave. I got inside sitting down and letting out a sigh.

"I hate school." I said before closing my eyes.

"Tell me about it." She replied before starting the engine. "So, how was your day?"

"Hell. I hated it so much. Kaden keeps ruining my day." I replied still keeping my eyes close as I felt the car moving.

"So what'd he do today?" Michele asked.

"The usual beat up, but he was the reason why I was late to class this morning. Like why does he pick on me? What did I even do to him?" I ranted to Michele as tears started brimming on my eyes.

"I don't know but you have this year and then senior year. We got this." Michele said, motivating me. "So, did you eat anything at lunch?" Michele asked me.

I looked down disappointed. She knows that I'm not the one to eat often or usually eat at all. I feel bad that I make my mom work so hard trying to buy food and I don't even eat it, and if I do, I don't feel good about it.

"Nothing." I whispered quietly. Michele sighed in response as we pulled up to my house.

"You better eat something when you get in your house. I have to go check on my cats, I'll text you yeah?" Michele said as I exited the car.

I nodded in response, "yeah, I'll text you later. Bye."

Michele waved as she reversed out of my driveway and left.

I walked to my front door, unlocked it and entered.

"Mother, I'm home." I said as I set my bag down on the couch. I walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water and I found a note on the kitchen table.

I'm working the nightshift tonight, dinner is in the fridge all you have to do is put it in the oven at 360 for at least 15 minutes. Love you

I smiled and rolled the paper up before laying down on the couch ready to succumb to sleep.


"Jacob, I'm home!" My mom said as she closed the front door.

I woke up and yawned before sitting up on the couch.

"How was your day? I haven't seen you all day?" My mom asked me.

"The usual. School plus a nap." I said while walking up to her.

"Oh and Jacob, I know you've been working hard in school so I've been working more hours so I could give you a gift for all your hard work." My mom said as she pulled something out of her purse and handed it to me.

My eyes widened and tears brimmed my eyes.

"Oh my god, thank you so much."

Word Count: 1,277
Updated: 6/7/2016

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