Part 2

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*I was in the process of moving so I apologize for how long it took to get the rest up. I also had really bad Wi-Fi connection so nothing would load*

After the knock the door opened and a few of the security guards came in and threw the clothing at all 10 of them.

It was all maids clothing but there wasn't enough for everyone. The guard spoke up and said;

"Nice going guys. The crowd is getting quite larger by the second and we don't know how much longer we can hold them back"

"Well what are we going to do?" asked Louis.

"You're going to have to figure that out because I have to get back out there." he said and with that he walked out of the door leaving everyone staring at eachother.

"Where are we going to go?" Michael asked.

"I know a place." said Niall.

They all looked at him waiting for an answer.

"I think you've helped enough for one night Niall." Luke said with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm serious. I have another house not too far from here that no one knows about. If we can find a way out we can stay there." He explained.


A little later you and (b/f/f) dress up in the outfits while Ashton, Michael, Liam and Louis dress up also.

You and your friend push a cart with Luke under it and the others are distributed between the other four guys.

In a single file line with big gaps in between them all, they were barely able to make it out without being seen. They all piled in the back of a truck and Niall had to give the driver directions to the house.

It took about an hour but in the meantime Twitter was blowing up. Many of them included:

"Woah! Who is that with my Mikey?!"

"That B**** Who does she think she is?!"

"Hold it! Does anyone else see luke and

that other girl?!"

"Oh my gosh I know her! Her name is

(b/f/f's name)"

Now (b/f/f's) twitter is getting hammered with followers and rude mentions. She ended up turning her notifications off because it was getting so bad.

"Who is that kissing Michael?! I can't

see her face!"

"When I find out..wait. Why are they

in their hotel room?!"

The tweets kept on coming and coming with no filter whatsoever.

"I am really sorry guys." Niall apologized.

Everyone accepted his apology and they all went quiet again. You and (b/f/f) were giving each other looks where you guys knew what you were saying without saying it.

You were alright because no one could figure out who it was that kissed Mikey but everyone knew who your friend was.

(Let's speed a little forward to when they arrive to Niall's house)

Niall led them all into the house and instantly into the basement. He still wasn't going to take any chances of being seen.

You and (b/f/f) sit down next to each other and you say, "Well isn't this some crazy..." She cuts you off.

Michael Clifford Imagine (Plus Luke for Best friend)Where stories live. Discover now