As if there werent enough 'about me' tags on this book already!

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I got tagged by artistheweapon__ to do another Q&A so here it is :3

Tag #1


Ok so like this is my boyfriend and I at rollerblading with my friends (we totally asked for 90% of the songs that they played) and the guy in the background is one of my other friends Ryan

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Ok so like this is my boyfriend and I at rollerblading with my friends (we totally asked for 90% of the songs that they played) and the guy in the background is one of my other friends Ryan.  There were like 15-20 of us that night. 
I really love rollerblading :D

Last song you listened to.

BTS - War of Hormone (Makayla, one of our friends, has got the ENTIRE group into K-Pop, and it's awesome)

Song that's stuck in your head.

Victorious - Panic! At The Disco

Do you have any other social media.

Twitter: forartssakejess
Instagram: (1) for_photographys_sake        (2) annabella_fatcat (yes my cat has an Instagram account lol

Do you know what Stüssy is?  Should I know what it is?  Wait, let me google it. 
Ok googled it, I remember.  They're a cool brand, but I don't own anything.


Tag #2

Okay I just blatantly won't answer some of these because I don't feel comfortable and I think I've already answered some before so here goes

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Okay I just blatantly won't answer some of these because I don't feel comfortable and I think I've already answered some before so here goes.  So half of the middle row is a no and the majority of the last row is a no except for Qs. 11 and 23.

Been in love
Broken hearts
I mean, idk.  I did break up with my first boyfriend but like it had literally only been less than a month and he seemed okay but I'm sorry if I did
Been heartbroken
Not yet (been 7 months lmao)
Had a boyfriend
Has a boyfriend
Had a girlfriend
Gotten a tattoo
No but I want one on my arm, like a sleeve tattoo of all the things I like :3
Gotten piercings
Yeah and I want to get a piercing at the top of my ear (so I can wear like cuff earrings) and right next to the piercings I already have in my ears.
Yep, Europe, Japan, Singapore
Been stung
Yeah by a European wasp in France -.-
Broken bones
Skipped school
Failed a class
Gotten all A's
Been cyber-bullied
Been bullied
Been a bully
I hope not, I've always followed the policy of 'kill your enemies with kindness'
Felt insecure
Who hasn't though?
Been ignored
Been embarrassed
Dude my whole life is one embarrassing moment after another
Cried myself to sleep
Again, who hasn't?
Stayed up all night
I don't have the is my best friend
NO I HAVE NEVER SMILED EVER BECAUSE SMILING IS TERRIBLE honestly if you haven't smiled can I give you a hug?
Ditto ^
Fake smiled
Hated someone
Ye, still do, take out my anger when I do boxing with my friend at the gym
Have anxiety
Ye, but my anxiety is stupid.  Like picking up the phone, talking to shopkeepers etc.,
Who hasn't
No but like if you're Aussie, you've had at least one drink by the time your 15.  Your parents will let you have a sip of their champagne, or my Mum has let me have a bit of beer.  Dad gives my cousin and I champagne around Christmas (only one half-glass with sparkling water as well) to celebrate.  I don't know if it's like this in other parts of the world..?
Btw it's not like I go out drinking and all that, I'm not the type of person who goes to those parties with drinks for the under aged kids.  I just have a very Aussie Mum and stepdad and a very French Dad.  And my Stepmum is from Montenegro.  So yes.  But also no.

AY it's over I cbf tagging anyone soooooo yeah see ya :3
Jess Xxx

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