Chapter 8: Date Night

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Killian's Pov

Emma has been stressing out a lot about Henry and Violet. She also had to take care of the twins and plan the wedding. I have tried to help but she would just push me away, I bring the twins to the park, I bring Henry and Violet to school, and I come home. She doesn't want help with the wedding planning, I have been talking to David and Snow to see if they could watch the twins for a couple hours while I take Emma out for dinner, yeah a few weeks ago they watched the twins for the weekend, but that was so we could get the wedding stuff situated with out being woken up. tonight Emma and I were planning on going on a date, I was going to take her to dinner, to see a movie, and then I was taking her out for ice cream. I haven't told her yet, but I knew she was going to be surprised, The movie started at 7:30 Pm, so I made dinner reservations for 6 O'clock Pm. "Hey Emma, where are Henry and Violet?"

"Regina said she would take the both of them for the week." I nodded my head, the twins were napping, so we had some peace and quiet until they woke up. She plopped on the couch next to me and leaned on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her, she was exhausted from doing all that she was doing. "Killian, can you stay hear with Noah and Leah, I need to go for a walk to clear my head."

"Of coarse Love, I would be happy to." She grabbed her wallet, I gave her a kiss goodbye, and she walked out. I was cleaning the kitchen for her since she had done so much for Henry, Violet, and me, I figured I needed to do something nice for her. I finished that, and then I started organizing the wedding book with the pictures in it so that it would look more organized and then I sat down. I had hoped that the twins would stay sleeping for a little while longer, but I couldn't get that lucky I heard Leah start screaming for me and then Noah started screaming for Emma, "Hello, my little pirate Princess, and my little pirate. Did you have a nice nap?" I picked them both up and carried them to the living room and placed them both on the floor and then I sat down with them, Leah was playing with her blocks and Noah kept trying to walk over to the door, "Noah where are you going?" He kept saying Mama and started crying when I pulled him away from the door. He was fussing and kept trying to get away from me, He was holding his blanket and not letting go. Leah came over to me and climbed on my lap. She sat there playing with the blocks Noah Kept trying to get to the door, but I would pull him back. The door opened, I looked up, it was David and Mary Margret. 

"Killian where is Emma?"

"She went for a walk, she said she needed to clear her head."

"are we still babysitting tonight for a few hours?"

"If you wouldn't mind, that would be great."

"Alright, just bring the twins over whenever you two want to leave."

"Thank you, I'll tell Emma you guys stopped by." They walked out Noah sat with his sister and was playing with the blocks, Emma walked in soon after her parents left, "Hello Love, how was your walk?"

"It was alright, did my parents stop by?"

"Yeah, I don't know what they wanted."

"Ok, I'll call them back later." Noah went running up to Emma when she got closer she sat on the ground with us Leah gave her mother a hug, and Noah held on to Emma for dear life not letting go. Leah went back to playing with the blocks and Noah sat on Emma's lap while she read to him. Time was flying by, When 5:00 rolled around I started cleaning up all of the toys from the ground, "Killian, what are you doing?"

"Well I figured, it's going to be late, when we get home tonight so I'm starting to clean up now."

"Home, from where?"

"dinner, a movie, and then ice cream."

"That's great and all, but you forgot one minor detail, what are we going to do with Noah and Leah?"

"I have it all planned out, now why don't you get ready dinner is at 6:00 pm, the movie is at 7:30 Pm. I'll worry about feeding Noah and Leah." She went into our room and started getting ready. I had already got the food ready for Noah and Leah, I made them some mac and cheese. Emma came out of the room she had on a sweater and jeans with boots. "You look beautiful Love." She just smiled at me, She sat in the kitchen with the twins while I finished getting myself ready, which only took about 5 minutes. The twins finished eating and we cleaned them off so they weren't covered in food, "You ready?" 

"Yeah, so where are we going to eat and what movie are we going to see?"

"You'll find out when we get there." I got Leah into the car and Emma got Noah in, I then got into the drivers side and drove us to her parents place. We knocked on the door and went in.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad."

"So, I talked to your parents and they are going to watch the twins for a few hours while we go on the date." She gave me a kiss and handed over the twins, Noah started to cry when Mary Margret took him out of her hands.

"Noah, Mommy will be back in a few hours, love you, love you two Leah. Be good,  Leah don't give Grandma and Grandpa a hard time. Thank you so much Mom and Dad, we really appreciate it." We walked back to  the car and drove to the restaurant.

We walked into the restaurant, I opened her door and helped her out of the car. I could tell that she was upset about something, "Love , what's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm fine."

"Swan, I know your upset, Now tell me what is wrong?"

"I guess I'm just stressed out." We were seated and I sat her right next to me so that I could comfort her. I held her close while she started to cry.  

"Love, tonight is your night not to worry about anything. Henry and Violet are at Regina's and Noah and Leah are at your parent's house. It's just you and me tonight." She smiled and gave me a kiss. We ate dinner and we skipped dessert, we went to go see a movie, I let Emma pick it, she picked a romantic comedy, we got popcorn, candy and sodas, I could tell that she was enjoying getting out of the house for a little while. When the movie was over it was almost 10 O'clock, "Love do you want to go get ice cream, I told your parents we would be there to pick them up by  10:45, so we have some time."

"Killian, I am so full, lets just go back to the apartment to relax for a little bit." I agreed and we went home. We sat on the couch, Emma fell asleep as soon as she leaned on my chest, but she woke up in a short 5 minutes. "Killian, lets go to our room." She smiled at me, I knew what she meant. I picked her up and carried her to our room. I placed her gently on the bed and I laid next to her we made out for a while and we continued to enjoy our evening. When we finished, Emma's cell phone rang. "Hello, Oh hi Mom, you'll bring them home? That would be great, thank you, see you in a little bit, love you." She hung up the phone, "My parents are on there way over to drop the twins off get dressed quick."

We rushed around trying to get dressed so her parents didn't walk in on us. I heard a knock on the door and then I heard someone walk in, "Emma, Killian?" It was Mary Margret, she was whispering so I guessed that the twins were sleeping. We walked out of the room, "Leah, fell right to sleep, but Noah only slept for an hour, then he woke up crying." I grabbed Noah, and Emma grabbed the sleeping Leah.

"Thank you so much, Mom we really appreciated it." She gave her mom a hug before she walked out. when I finally got Noah to sleep, I placed him in the crib, Emma placed Leah in her crib and we walked out, leaving the door cracked, I crawled into bed, and Emma was quick to follow, "Thank you."

"For what Love?"

"For the great night, it was wonderful." And with that said, she fell asleep. I watched her sleep for a while before turning off the light, and went to bed. I laid awake staring at the ceiling, and then I fell asleep.

The Captains Wedding: Sequel to The Captains BabyWhere stories live. Discover now