Chapter 10: Back to Work

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Emma's Pov

Today was the first day that I went back to work in 3 weeks,my dad kept giving time off and I was sick of it. It was Monday morning and I needed to work, and not be at home all the time with the twins, Killian was going to take them out for the day and if he needed any help I told him to call my mom or Ruby. "Killian, are you sure you'll be fine on your own? I can always have Ashley, Ruby, or my mom come over to keep you company."

"Love, I'll be fine , you go and be safe. I will call your mother if there are any issues." I smiled and he gave me a hug and a long kiss.

He didn't let go of me for a while until I pushed him away, "Babe, my dad will be here any moment to pick me up, come on I have to finish getting ready." When he finally let go of me I ran to the room, got changed, grabbed one of my leather jackets, and then went over to the safe that I hid behind a pile of books to grab my gun. There was a knock at the door it was my dad, I gave Noah and Leah a kiss good by while they were sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Hey Dad, you ready to start working?"

"I'm ready if you are." I got in the passenger seat of his truck, we first drove to Granny's to grab some coffee and something to eat for breakfast, then we drove to the station. "So you ready to get back to work?"

"Yeah, I missed it, I love the twins, I really do but they get on my nerves sometimes, especially when they're sick." He smiled at me and we walked into the station, I clicked on the phone to see if there were any messages left, there was only one, and it was from 15 minutes ago, there was a break in at Mr. Golds shop. We rushed there as fast as we could, when we got there the door was wide open and there was broken glass everywhere. My dad held me back as if to tell me to be careful I saw Mr. Gold and Belle, trying to clean up the store, picking up anything that did not get broken. "Was anyone hurt, did you see where he went?"

"No, all I know is that we have never seen this guy before, it's like he's new to town or something." We saw something start to run down the street. I got in the truck and David followed we sped down the road by the time we had caught up to him he was already in the woods.

"Dad, lets split up, one of us has to find him." He tried to stop me, but he was too late, I was already running into the woods. I looked around as I ran, but I saw nothing out of the ordinary, I had a walky talky, "Dad do you see him?"

"No, I don't we must have lost him, lets meet back up and go back to the station." All of a sudden I saw someone in the corner of my eye. When I turned around I had my gun pulled, but nobody was there. Someone was pulling on me to turn me around. He had taken my gun and threw it I tried to get it, but he kept punching me and hitting me, I was able to get free for a moment so that I could click the button on the walky talky so my dad could hear what was going on. "EMMA! What's going on, Emma talk to me."

I started to cough as he hit me, "I... need... backup." Next thing I knew I was being hit over the head with a fallen tree branch, and I fell unconscious.

David's Pov

"I... need... backup."

"Hang on Emma I'm coming to you." I could hear the struggle, but when I got to Emma she was unconscious, and the man who did this to her was gone, at that point I didn't care about him, all I cared about was getting Emma to the hospital, I called Marry Margret to tell her what had happened, "Mary Margret, meet us at the hospital, Emma was hurt on the job."

"Oh my goodness, is she alright? I'll call Killian and tell him to meet us there."

"Ok, Emma's unconscious, I think there is someone new in town, I didn't see his face, only Emma did."

"Oh dear, I'm on my way now, I'm going to pick the twins up and bring them all to see if Belle can watch them. I'll see you in a little bit." I then hung up the phone, and dialed for an ambulance. I sat in the car holding Emma for a little while until the ambulance came. When they finally did come I placed her gently on the stretcher and got in my truck to follow. When I arrived Mary Margret was standing there with Hook.

"Hey where did they take her?"

"David, they brought her up to get an MRI, and then they need to keep a close eye on her for a while Dr. Whale said."

I sat down and put my hands on my head. "This is all my fault I should have never agreed to split up, someone broke into Mr. Golds shop so we followed him to the woods, we should have stayed together." Mary Margret sat next to me.

"I called Regina, and asked her if she could pick Henry and Violet up and bring them here, she should be here soon."

Dr. Whales came in, "Hi, so Emma is going to be out of work for a little while, she has a concussion, a few broken ribs, Her knee is swollen I have to wait until the swelling goes down to do the MRI on that, and her face is cut up, it looks like she was cut on the arm with some sort of knife. I don't want her doing any heavy lifting, and for at least a week I want her on bed rest, I know it is going to be tough to keep her from working, but you have to try."

"Can we go up to see her?"

"Yes, now I'm going to tell you she might be a little out of it."

Dr. Whales led us to her room, she was barely sitting up, She looked like she was in so much pain, "Emma, oh sweetie what hurts?" Mary Margret asked as she sat on the bed.

Emma's voice was raspy and breaking every word she said, "I'm fine mom."

"Emma, you are not fine, you are cut up and have broken ribs and a hurt knee."

"Mom, I'm fine as soon as I go home I am going to relax and try to forget about the pain." I sat in the chair next to her bed, Emma reached over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Emma, I know you have a concussion, but I need to know have you seen this man before?"

"No, I don't think I have ever seen him before, he had brown hair, I couldn't see his eyes, I have never seen him here before." She started squirming and trying to get comfortable, she started crying, "I'm in so much pain."

"I know baby, I know, I'm sorry you had to go through this. Now we have to worry about finding him, just relax." 

We sat in silence until Henry and Violet came in the room, "Mom, what happened?"

"Your mother, was attacked by someone new in Storybrooke Mate, nobody knows who he is."  Killian explained. We all talked until visiting hours were over, Emma had to stay over night so they could keep an eye on her. Killian refused to leave, he wanted to stay by her side the whole night. 

"Killian, stay here, we will take care of Henry and Violet and the twins don't worry about it." We said goodbye and then went to pick up the three babies. "Thank you so much Belle."

"It was no big deal, I hope you find the man who did this to Emma soon, any way good night." We left I was holding Neal and Leah and Mary Margret held Noah we placed them in there car seats and we head home, Mary Margret took the kids in her car and I took Henry and Violet in my car. I first stopped at Emma's place to grab the twins some clothes, also to grab one of the pack in play's, and so Henry and Violet could grab some clothes.

When we got back to the apartment everyone got in there Pajamas and went to bed. Noah fell right to sleep, but the other 4 were having a hard time sleeping, "Grandpa, is Mom going to be alright?"

"Henry, of course she is, Now why don't you go sleep in your old room, and I can have Violet sleep in your mom's old room. You might have to bunk with Noah, I know you won't mind." He smiled and head up the stairs, Mary Margret followed and showed Violet up the stairs into Emma's room, and got her settled.

I was sitting on the couch with the twins, "Where Mama, Where Dada?" Leah kept asking us that.

"Leah, Mama has a boo boo, they will both be home tomorrow, I promise little girl but you both have to go to bed, She was holding onto me and she fell asleep, I placed her gently down and then I rocked Noah to sleep, and when he finally fell asleep I got changed and went to bed, Mary Margret was already asleep so I wrapped my arms around her and held her close I kept thinking about Emma and how much pain she must be in, I kept thinking about who this man was, I kept thinking all of that until I fell asleep.

Leave a comment below telling me who you think the new character is and do you think he is from our world or the Enchanted Forest, also let me know what you think so far, I would love the feed back. :)

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