A Night At My House

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Later that day, we were sitting on the couch watching TV after we ate dinner. The show went to commercial and we sat in silence until Michael spoke up. "Do you think we could have a sleepover at your house tonight?" 'Oh my God, YES!' screamed my heart. "Umm.. Sure. It's only fair since I slept over last night, and I really enjoyed it." "What about the thunder and lightning? Did you enjoy that?" "You and your teasing. Despite that, I wouldn't mind coming over again if you wanted me to." Michael went to his room and packed whatever he needed for the night and we drove to my house. While we were in the car, I suddenly rememebered about the photos. Oh no. That's the only things that's gonna stand out from anything else in my room. Oh well, too late to turn back now.

We made it in the house. It was a mansion, just not as big as Michael's. It was only me and my mother living in here unless we have company, so I didn't think I should overdo it. "Well, do you want a tour?" "Of course." I showed him all of the guess rooms and some of my favorite rooms. I showed him everything.. except for my room. "There's something missing." "What do you mean?" "You showed me every room except for yours." Panic mode: activated. "Oh. You don't wanna see my room." "What do you got to hide?" Besides all the pictures of us from years ago on display all over my room and the fact that I'm still madly in love with you, nothing really. I might as well be a big girl and suck it up. "Okay. I'll show you." We walked down the hall up to two big doubble doors. "Ready?" "Yeah." One, two, three. I opened the door and we walked in. "Wow.." was all he could say. I got nervous at that point. "W-what?" He walked up to the shelf full of pictures. "You kept these. After all these years.." "Umm.. Yeah.." "I didn't think you would keep them." We shared a short silence. Michael sat by me on the bed. "Tell me why do you have such a big bed?" "To be honest, I didn't really want a big bed bacause I was alone. My mom was the one who wanted me to get a big bed. She told me a twin sized bed would 'throw off the balance in the room' with it being the master bedroom and all. So that's why I'm stuck with this big bed." "Where is your mom?" "She's out of town for a close friend's wedding. She won't be back in three days." "Would you like me to stay with you until she gets back?" And a bomb has been dropped. "Would you really wanna stay with me?" "Well, someone gotta keep you company.. and maybe I could fill the empty spot on the bed." Did God hear me when I said I would love it if he was in my bed? He must've. Except those thoughts includes some naughty images flashing through my mind if he was in my bed. V, you're still a virgin. Controll your hormones. We changed into our pajamas. "Umm.. Michael..?" "Yeah?" "Can I.. Umm... Cuddle close to you?" He pulls me close to him and I put my head on his chest like I did last night. "Good night, Michael." I felt him run his fingers through my hair, not that I'm complaining, I liked it. One step at a time, V. "Good night, V."

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